Chapter 7: Surviving

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It was so cold and dark. I was in a dark forest. That's when I saw it. Merrick was on the floor in a puddle of his own blood. His neck was slashed and his organs and intestines were on the floor next to him. Tears ran down my face so fast. "Merrick, come on stay with me please! You can't leave me! Please Merrick. Oh God! Merrick please please come back to me." He grabbed my arm. "This. Is. Your. Fault." He spit out. 

His eyes stayed open and he was gone. I cried and held his body. I tried to put his organs back in his body and close the gash on his neck but it wouldn't close. "Haha. Now this is a sight." That witch was here. She created this vision and she was laughing. Anger could not even describe how I felt towards her. I wanted to peel her skin off of her bones and rip out each piece of her hair one at a time. She was a monster. But then again so was I.

I charged at her and we flew into the floor and into another nightmare. Everett was crying. He was holding a body in his hands. Max. Oh God. I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest and felt the pain of a thousand hot rods in my body.

 Merrick and now Max. He was only twelve. I ran up to Everett and Max. His head was cut off. Everett was trying to put it back on but it kept falling off. Everett wasn't covered in blood though... I was. I was covered in Max's blood. Everett looked at me with pure hatred in his eyes. "This. Is. Your. Fault." He hissed at me. It was all my fault I couldn't save them I-I couldn't help them. I felt a hole in my chest. I watched both die and I couldn't save them. I couldn't protect the people I loved.

The witch came back and looked at the scene before us. Instead of cackling like the sadistic witch she was, she looked at Everett. Her brows furrowed as if she recognized him. I glared at her as she took another step close to Everett and Max's body.

 I stepped in front of them blocking her from getting any closer. "Don't. Even. Think. About. It," I said. "I know him." She looked at Everett. "I don't know how but I know who he is. I've seen him. I can't place him though."She looked at me and Everett. She looked at Max's body and crouched next to it. Everett looked at her and then Max. "Please help him, please save him." He could barely speak. His voice was hoarse and he had tears rolling down his cheeks. "My name is Imelda," she said. It was as if she was reminding herself. Her hand went over Max's neck where his head was detached.

Before I could notice what she was doing Max took a huge breath. She brought him back. His head was attached to his body again."No twelve year old should die like that." She looked down as she said it. Was that regret in her voice? 

The nightmare was over and we were back in the onyx torture room. Sweat trickled down my face. Ryder looked at me and then at his sister. "Take her. Go help clean her up." Imelda looked at me as if we had come to an understanding. Yeah no. I was going to rip her head from her body and then use it as a bowling ball. 

Ryder picked me up from the seat and took me away from the room. I never wanted to enter that room again.

Rising Above: Super StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz