Chapter 6: The Prisoner

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Ryder led me into a room. It was onyx with one white chair in it. The only thing that stood out. He threw me in the seat and tied my arms to the chair. I tried to use my strength to get out of the ropes. It was no use. "They are meant to disarm supers, like yourself." He said it in such a disgusted way you'd think I licked a swing in front of him or something. His eyes glared at me, instead of pissing my pants like Jack I was going to stare back and give him a glare that could light him on fire. He seemed familiar. I bet he used to live with the rebels and left. He was probably another mole. But I can't see him being underground. He was too classy for that kind of stuff.

The wall looked weird and suddenly someone walked through it. I screamed. She looked younger than me but was dressed maturely. She had a black vest on with black slim-fit pants on and black pointed heels. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun and her eyes were hazel. Her hair was dark brown assuming she had some type of gel in her hair. She was curvy-lucky- and had a small tattoo on her wrist. I've seen that tattoo before. It was a crow or a dove I couldn't tell.

 "So this is the special prisoner? Harlow, was it?" She glared at me. If I thought Ryder was scary she was ten times worse. In my case I should have been quiet but instead I started to say anything that came to my mind. "You can walk through walls? How cool! Can you do it while holding things? Like can you imagine if you had a bagel and you-"she cut me off with her hand. "I can only control my mass. I am not here to make friends with a pathetic rebel such as yourself,"she said. 

Ouch. Bitch. I glared at her. Two could play that game. "So what are you gonna do? Huh? Rip my nails out or something?" I kept my eyes on her hands she wasn't reaching for the scalpel or any of the other weird looking torture devices. "Haha. No. I am going to enter your mind and make your living hell come true." All of a sudden her hands had black smoke coming from them and it latched onto me. Everything went dark and all I could feel was the hair on my body standing straight. I was alone.

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