Chapter 28: You Son of a Motherless Goat

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*Sorry this is kind of a long chapter due to the fight scene*

Gwen gave me a swift kick to my gut. I pulled her hair and punched her face. Too many times to count and then I looked at her again. Her nose was definitely broken and I felt a sense of pride.

She hit me in the boobs. Low blow. Ryder and Imelda were fighting their father and a few soldiers that were hidden popped out and began fighting Everett. I kicked Gwen, Genna, with all my might and she went down. I straddled her body and sent a blow straight to her head. It snapped back with a squirt of blood leaving her mouth. I stood up quickly and kicked her in the ribs just as an extra precaution. Everett killed the two soldiers next to him and was handling a man who looked like he came from WWE.

Everett was shifting. He striked and then went invisible only to give the guy a startling kick to the chest. Imelda walked through some soldiers while her knives cut their throats. Ryder was in a choke hold turning purple. I charged at the commander and he shoved Ryder to the side. He needed both hands to kill me and I had my rage to make up for the size of my body.

I slid under his legs, cutting his shin and coming back up. He growled and smacked me right upside the head with the back of his hand. I spit blood out of my mouth and glared at him. This was for my family. This was personal.

"I'm going to cut you in half and then I will shove your heart in my son's face. I should have killed you when he first fell in love with you. When he first married you," The commander said, I screamed and charged again.

I never wanted Ryder to have to see that. I couldn't think about it. I dodged the commander's swing and shoved my knife upwards, cutting his cheek. His eyes only burned more with loathing. He grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the ground. My knives skidded away from me and I felt my head grow foggy. He kicked me in the ribs and then punched me in the face. I spit my blood at him and he stepped back. He wiped my spit and blood off his face and had a sadistic grin to his face. I'm in big trouble now.

I wanted to haul ass but before I could stand he kicked me again, this time to the head. Everything became dizzy and I saw dark spots. This is it. I'm going to die.

I block his next kick and hold on with a gorilla grip to his foot. He got thrown off balance but quickly caught himself. It allowed me the space and time to get up as quickly as I could. Broken glass from the windows in the center of the city were broken and I found a big enough shard that could do some damage. The Commander charged again at me and I threw the glass shard at him like a throwing knife. It hit him in his side. He hissed at me and pulled it out.

Barf. If I wasn't busy fighting for my life I think I would have thrown up. I was growing weaker and weaker and felt the blood from my hip and thighs. I was bruised and cut up badly. He must have stabbed me twice. The first time, it was only a scrape barely missing my head but still making it bleed. The second was near my right shoulder and was deeper than I had hoped it would be. I felt the pain and the sting of iron in my mouth. I spit my blood out on the floor again. I was going to die from blood loss at this point.

The Commander's eyes only grew with more hatred for me and I couldn't focus on the rest of my family. I was too busy with the tyrant. Before I could react he slammed my head into his knee. Keep your eyes open. Keep them open. I wanted to cry. The pain was almost unbearable.

I couldn't stand up again. I crawled backwards as the commander's pace increased coming towards me. "You're going to die all alone. You have no family and no one will be here to save you," the commander sneered.

I couldn't focus. My eyesight was blurry and filled with black spots. I heard footsteps behind me. I was ready to die.

"She's not alone. She has a family." It was Imelda. She had blood all over her face and her knives were filled with blood. Right behind her was Everett and Ryder. All had the same eyes the commander had but they weren't directed at me. The commander stepped back before he could realise the mistake he made. Then we all felt it. His powers of pain illusion.

It felt like someone was throwing lava down my throat and I felt like my stomach had blisters growing on the inside to the outside. Imelda got a hold of her powers and a dark mist started crawling to her father. He stopped using his power and stepped back again.

"Father, your tricks have grown old." Ryder looks at me then his father. Ryder punches his father and then Imelda is behind him. She holds his head back as Ryder punches him. The commander was finally on his knees. It went dead silent. I looked around the ground at the dead soldiers. Another war was going on near the rebel base. I looked back at the commander. His nose was broken and his mouth filled with blood. Imelda slowly approached her father.

"Now look at who is weak and useless," she said, her knives raised and her hands shaking. "You couldn't kill me if you wanted to despite what you think." He lunged but Ryder still had him on his knees and his hands pulled back. It was an empty threat. Imelda jumped back and her hands trembled. I stood up.

I walked up to him slowly. Ryder's eyes became as big as saucers. I reached for the commander's gun that hung on his holster and slowly pulled it out. I had the gun pointing at his heart and he was all out of moves. "This. Is. For. My. Family." I shot once. His mouth had blood spilling out of it as his eyes became wide in shock. I shot again for Imelda. Another for Everett. Another for Ryder. One last shot for Merrick. The commander was long gone by the second shot but it didn't matter. I needed to do it. For my family. For me.

Ryder let go of the Commander's body and it fell face first to the ground in a hard thump. Ryder's eyes never left me. I took the Commander's communicator. Susan was able to keep us connected to it in case he tried to call put for any of the council's help. We had a line to the rebel base. "Susan. Max? We did it. The commander is dead. I repeat he is dead. How is it going over there? Anyone? Please is anyone there?" The line was silent.

"Hey yeah! We are here." It sounded like Susan. All of us went silent. "We won," she said. All of us looked at one another and we all began to laugh. I think we all went crazy and we needed therapy but hey! We were alive.

Self high five!!

Everyone put their hands on Imelda's shoulder or her hands. She winced. "Hey, watch it," she hissed. I saw a little bit of blood on her sleeves. She was going to need some medicine and wrapping.

We all went into the darkness and I must say it felt pretty damn good this time. 

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