Chapter 8: The Help

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Ruder remained quiet. Did he see my nightmares? Or was it only Imelda? He laid me down on a dark green bed. This room was bigger than the one I woke up in. He went into another room, the bathroom I guessed. I heard the faucet run and he came back with a damp towel. 

He gently placed it on my head and started to clean the sweat off my face. He sat beside me and looked me in the eyes. I didn't like it. Normally I would try flirting or being cute but I was just tortured by the man's sadistic sister. Now wasn't the time to use my Harlow charm on him. He looked so familiar. I tried to remember if I had ever seen him but it felt like a gaping hole. I knew who he was. I felt like we knew each other but I couldn't place him.

 "I'm sorry," he said. That was shocking to say the least. "Wh-what?" I looked at him and I felt goosebumps on my arm. "My sister isn't a bad person. She was given orders just like the rest of us here." He kept cleaning my face. One night in a cell and I must have looked like I just barely escaped a horror movie. He rolled his sleeves up and stood up. He gave me space. Thank God. I looked up at him. "Your sister tortured me." My fists clenched. I was making half moons in my palms. "We all serve someone," he said.

 He ran a hand threw his hair again and sat on the end of the bed. He tapped his knees. "The Commander wishes to have dinner with you and your brother tonight. Get cleaned up and you will be picked up in a little while." He got up and left right like he couldn't stand one more minute in this room. "I won't let them hurt you again," he said. His voice was rough and I knew he meant it. He was gone and I was left to clean up.

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