Chapter 16: What We Didn't Know

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The next few days we tried to explore what we were. Each day he seemed even more familiar. Being with him made me feel weird. A good kind of weird.

"What are you looking at?" he smirked. I didn't realize I was staring at him. My cheeks became crimson red and I couldn't stop the butterflies in my stomach.

He held me in his embrace and all my worries and all the pain was washed away and when he wasn't there it felt like it hurt even more than before. He was an anchor holding me together helping me grow and understand myself.

My powers. I didn't know I had them until I met him. My strength only increased. It was weird... he couldn't use his telekinesis on me but Imelda was able to use my nightmares against me. He thought of me to be immune to certain super powers. That could be the reason I was always able to tell when Everett was invisible or when I could sense someone's powers being used. They couldn't be used against me though. I didn't know why. I couldn't control it.

Ryder believed it was a superpower meant for protection and not for combat. I didn't know what to believe he was able to lift blocks with his brain.

He got such an amazing power and I got something that resembled a shield?

It was late and he held me in his arms. I hadn't slept in my own cot since our first kiss. I only wished to learn more about him. I couldn't quite express what I felt but I knew it was more just an attraction to his looks.

He looked me in the eyes and smiled at me. His pearly white teeth shined through the darkness. Thank God it was dark. 

"I know how I make you feel," he said, his hands only held me tighter to his chest and I felt safe and warm.

"I think I know how I make you feel." I looked at him and his lips found mine. We couldn't be separated. We didn't want to be.

He started coming out of his "cell." The guards of course followed him everywhere he went and he had cuffs to block his powers.

People were getting nervous with him being out and that could make someone do something stupid. He got his own table and I sat with him.

Everett and Max sat with us and we ditched our old table. A new group of kids in training sat there. They are starting their own journey.

"Darth Vader and Bella Swan, how lovely to make your acquaintances," Everett said, bowing. Max bowed with Everett and a laugh escaped my lips.

Ryder even had a smirk on his face but then it went blank. He didn't like people knowing how he felt. Well... except for me.

"Has the shitith' hittith the fan fair lady?" Everett tried sounding like someone who escaped a William Shakespeare poem. "No it hadnth." I snatched his yogurt before he could protest. His mouth gaped open and his right hand shot out at me. The tattoo.

Ryder looked at Everett's hand and pulled it close to him to see the tattoo. "Ah. Hey man... listen yes I have model hands, I know right? They are hot but I'm flattered but I think we should remain friends," Everett said. Ryder huffed at him. "Imelda has the same tattoo... why do they both have it?" He whispered it out barely anyone could hear him. Everett looked confused.

"Wait... you're saying someone else has the same damn tattoo as me?" Everett dropped his goofy side. He looked dead serious at Ryder. I have never seen this side of him. What did this tattoo mean? How were they connected?

"What does it mean," I asked, he looked like he was lost in his own mind and then he snapped back. "I need to get out of here." Ryder looked at me and then the rest of the group.

"My sister could be in danger." He stood up quickly, sending our whole table to jump right after him and walk back to the room. Nathaniel, rebel leader, stopped us in the hallway.

He looked at each one of us closely analyzing our faces. He nodded his head but when we kept walking past him I felt his eyes on our backs.

When we got to Ryder's room he shut the door behind us all. He pulled out a small contraption none of us recognized and then he flipped it open.

It was a communicator. Wait a minute. Wait a damn minute. Could he have been using me? Why did he need that? Was he spying on the base? What kind of sh** Was this?

"It's not what you all think it is." He sighed frustrated. "Hmmm. Really? Cause it seems we trusted you but you have been a mole in our little rebel family?" Everett's tone was on edge. 

"I only have it to communicate with Imelda. I don't know if she will be able to receive my signal. We could be too far underground." He looked nervous. "Imelda. Imelda can you hear me? Please sister. Are you there?" Everyone stood around the communicator in Ryder's hand.

Then we heard it. A faint cry. She was in danger and Ryder wasn't there to protect her. It was my fault.

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