Chp 1~ Confessing

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*AJ Lee POV*

"Just go talk to him!" Brie said excitedly. "I don't know, what if he doesn't like me back?" I asked worriedly, biting my nails, which was a habit. "I'm sure he does! Your AJ Lee! One of the most beautiful, amazing, and strong Divas in the Wwe Roster, he should love you!" Kaitlyn exclaimed.

Currently all 3 of us are in Brie's dressing room, helping her get ready for her big match against Rosa Mendes and Alicia Fox. She's gonna be teamed up with her twin sister, Nikki. Who apparently hates my guts more than he hates losing. And trust me, she hates losing a match!

Oh, by the way, my name is April Jeanette Mendez, AJ Lee is my stage name. Everyone calls me AJ anyways, it's been my nickname ever since I was a little girl. AJ are my first two initials.

Anyways, if your wondering what the heck are Brie, Kaitlyn , and I talking about is thee Dean Ambrose. I've had a crush on the Lunatic Fringe ever since I joined NXT he's just so... Cute!

Dean has been my best friend since college, we sat next to each other in some classes. He helped me ace some classes, as well. He's smarter than you think. We still talk, a lot. Whenever Punk and I get in a fight, he's always there to comfort me.

Cm Punk is my ex boyfriend. He was a big alcoholic! He was also a mean drunk. He'd punch me, kick me, and hurt me in all kinds of different ways. We always fought about him going out in the night and not coming back until the morning and had lipstick stains on his neck and lips. I was always too scared to break up with him. I thought he would hurt me!

Just over a couple months ago, Dean came with me to my apartment, which I shared with Punk, and helped me break up with him, this time for good. Punk was very angry, threw lamps on the floor and tried to hurt me.

But Dean, came and beat him up for me. While I was unconscious, I gathered all my stuff and Dean and I drove back to his place, which he shares with his best friends, more like his brothers. Just for the night. Right now I live with Kaitlyn, my best friend which also happens to be Seth's girlfriend.

Dean's best friends are his group members of his team in the Wwe. They are Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins. They are both like brothers to me. Roman is the overprotective one, always worried when Punk hurts me. Seth was the funny one, he always knows how to put a smile on my face, he also teases me because I told him I liked Dean. Big mistake!

Dean is more like the kind of guy who instantly makes my heart flutter when he smiles, he always cheers me up, he beats up any guy who tries to hurt me, and also likes to take me out on little dates. I refer them as dates, but I'm pretty sure he refers them just as hanging out.

I really hope this goes well.

*Dean Ambrose POV*

Ugh! I don't know how to tell my best friend I have a massive crush on her! I'm talking about AJ Lee! The most beautiful, amazing, loving, caring, girl in the whole wide world! Any guy can fall for her! And if any guy falls for her, I'll beat him up...

Anyways, I'm Dean Ambrose! Also known as the Lunatic Fringe! People refer to me as that because well... I'm a lunatic! It's my character in the Wwe. AJ's is crazy. So technically, we kinda have same characters.

I know I know, everyone says I'm an addict with alcohol, smoking, and sex. Not anymore! Those were my college and NXT days! When I got transferred to the Wwe, I changed because I realized I fell for my best friend. AJ always encouraged me to stop drinking and smoking so much. Which I did, but just the smoking part. I still drink, but not a lot!

"C'mon man! Just go talk to her! Tell her how you feel!" Seth said as he combed through his hair, smirking at the mirror. "Yeah! Don't be such a pussy!" Roman agreed, who was tying up his boots.

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