Chp 2~ Surprise

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It was time for my match. I laced up my boots and added some finishing details on my makeup. I was in a tag team match with Paige, my good friend. Paige was new to the roster, just came a couple weeks ago. She ain't that bad, besides the fact she stole my baby, my Divas Championship, but I got it back.

"AJ! Your match is up next get out there!" I heard someone shout outside my door. I nodded as if they could see me, but they couldn't. I grabbed my baby and smiled at it. I deserve this title.

I turned the knob and heard Paige's song come on. I saw Paige walk to the arena. I was next. My theme song, Light It Up came on and I took one last glance at my baby and skipped to the arena.

The crowd went wild as I walked down the path area to the ring. That's one of the reasons I love being a Diva. All the fans are just... Amazing and supportive! Of course, next the Bella Twins theme came on. Like always, Nikki stole the spotlight from Brie.

I feel bad for Brie to even be related to that B*#%h. I rolled my eyes and Nikki smirked at my my baby, which she will never have. Brie smiled weakly at me, I did the same. I put my belt on the corner, ready to fight. Paige and I discussed quickly who goes first, which we decided it would be her.

I got out and held onto the ropes, anxious to kick some butt. Brie was up first as well. Guess this means Nikki and I will fight, I hope. So I can beat the c*ap outta of her fake a*s boobs and smile.

The ref rang the bell and Paige and brie started their match. Brie did close line on Paige, causing her to fall. Brie got distracted by Nikki so, Paige dragged her body to me and tagged me in.

Brie saw Paige tag me in, so she tagged Nikki in. I popped my neck and we walked in circles for a bit, before going after each other. I punched Nikki, making her stumble backwards.

I kicked her, causing her fall down. I did a elbow drop on her, making her weak. I was ready to do black widow on her, leading me to win, but someone's theme song came on. A theme song I haven't heard in a while.


He ran over to the ring, where he got on. I went to the corner. Brie and Nikki had left, so has Paige. I didn't agree to this!

"Hello, AJ" Punk said into the mic. I gulped, walking to the corner, where I grabbed ahold of the ropes. "AJ, have you missed me? Cause I sure have missed you!" He said and used one of his fingers to hold my chin up. He smiled evily, talking his finger away.

I dropped my chin, to stare into his fiery eyes. I was beyond scared. He smiled evily, before grabbing my arm and pulling me to the center of the ring. I stood frozen in fear, not daring to move a muscle.

Punk frowned before slapping me, hard. I stumbled backwards and fell on my butt. I used one hand to hold against my cheek, the others and on my lap. "You left me... FOR DEAN AMBROSE DIDNT YOU!" Punk snapped at me, before kicking me in the ribs, making me clutch them in pain, falling to my side, silently crying.

"Get up you dumb bîtch!" Punk snapped again and kicked me several times. "DID YOU NOT-" punk got cut off by the Shield's theme song. Dean, Seth, and Roman came out running and ran towards the ring.

Seth and Roman started beating up Punk, as Dean came to my side and helped me up. "Shh, AJ it's okay..." Dean said holding me as I cried into his chest. For the first time in a long while, I felt safe. I felt loved. I felt protected.

*Backstage In The Shield's dressing room*

"IM GONNA BEAT THAT SON OF A BI**H UNTIL HE DIES!" Dean shouted angrily, pacing able and forth. After the whole incident, Dean and Seth took me to the doctor guy and he wrapped my ribs.

Fate (AJ Lee & Dean Ambrose)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt