Chp 21~ Coffee

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I awoke in a familiar room. The walls were a deep shade of blue, the bed was oak wood and had the same old red and white sheets and covers, there were posters of Nirvana on the walls, covering some holes where he made punches in.

The two bedside tables were the same, the two old white lamps on them. Along with the annoying alarm clock on one of them. There were book shelves there, filled with lots of books, he never bothered to read.

I took a deep breathe and looked around. I walked around, brushing my fingers softly on some of the furniture. I looked at my fingers, they had dust on them. I wiped them on the hem of my shirt, before sitting on the bed.

I looked around, it was very quiet, except the ticking of the clock above his clock. I remembered this room. It was exactly the same as the last time I saw it.

It was his teenage bedroom, which he had since he was 14. He eventually moved out when he was 20, to go to college and all that. The air in the room was tight. It was very dark, except the very little sunlight escaping through a torn part of his navy blue curtains.

I heard footsteps. My head quickly shot to the door. I watched the door and gulped, awaiting for him to come in. The door knob slowly twisted. The door opened slightly, creaking a bit.

He opened the door all the way. He took a step inside and closed the door. I just stared at him, with no expression what so ever. "Hello AJ" he said in a raspy voice.

"Hello... Punk..." I said in between gulps.

*Dean POV*

I nibbled at the little left on my fingernails. "Dean, calm down, it's going to be okay!" Paige reassured me! "No it's not! My buttercup is in there... Again! When we are supposed to be enjoying our vacation!" I stated.

"Dean she's gonna be okay, give it some time, go get some coffee bro, Seth'll go with you" Roman said, placing his muscular hand on my shoulder. I sighed and stood up, looking at Seth.

"Let's go..." I mumbled, kinda annoyed. "Alright, the coffee shop it just outside the hospital" Seth said. "Isn't there coffee in the hospital's cafeteria?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Yeah but you need some fresh air" Seth said and I looked at him, confused. "I don't need-" I was cut off my Roman slightly pushing me to the hallway. "Go" Roman demanded as Seth stood by me.

"What about AJ?" I asked. "We'll call you if she wakes up" Kaitlyn said. I scoffed and crossed my arms, refusing to go. Roman looked at me. "Go or else I'll Superman punch you right here" Roman threatened me.

I stood face to face with him. "Do it, I ain't leaving" I said. Roman rolled his eyes and turned me around. He found a wheelchair with straps and sat me down in it.

Before I could get back up, he strapped my hands and feet the wheelchair. "Hey!" I spat, shifting around trying to break loose. "You're going whether you like it or not, now have fun" Roman said and Seth started pushing me.

"NO! Let me go! Where's my lawyer! Oh yeah AJ has his number... I STILL DEMAND FREEDOM! LUKE SKYWALKER DID NOT DEFEAT DARK VADER FOR THIS!" I shouted.

"DARK VADER IS LUKE'S DAD!" Roman shouted back. I stopped struggling and sat there shocked, as Seth kept pushing me. "What?" I said confused. (Minion face on cue... 1-2-3)

"Dun dun dun" Seth said trying to reenact dramatic music. "Not helping, Colby!" I said, annoyed. "Don't call me that! And it's pretty funny!" Seth said angry at first but than started chuckling.

Seth kept pushing me and we made it out the hospital. Small breezes hit me as Seth pushed me down the wheelchair ramp. I smiled and saw the trees, swaying back and forth, nurses and patients walking everywhere.

"I'm gonna let you go, but if you try to run back into the hospital, I will have security put you in a padded room for the crazy people, okay?" Seth said. "Fine..." I mumbled. Seth showed off his goofy smile and untied me.

I stood up and stretched a bit. I looked at the hospital door and back at Seth, who was glaring at me. "Let's go..." I said with a sigh. Seth smiled again as we walked to the coffee shop named, Lily's Cafe.

We walked in. There was a pretty long line. "Hey, I'm gonna go to the restroom, if it's your turn before I come back, just order me a vanilla latte" Seth said. I nodded and slightly smiled and he sighed in relief, patted my shoulder and left.
Sorry for the SUPER LATE update! My wifi has been acting crappy and wouldn't let me update! I got it fixed! I'll update soon! Love you guys! 😘

Fate (AJ Lee & Dean Ambrose)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora