Chp 5~ Fractured Rib

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*Dean POV*

"LET HER GO RIGHT NOW!" I shouted at Punk with rage in my voice. "AJ belongs to me! No other man!" Punk. "She dumped you!" I shouted. "Yeah because of you! If it weren't for you convincing her to break up with me, she still would've been dating me and we would've been engaged!" Punk said.

No way... what the hell? Wait.. that's not important right now! I need to save AJ! I started sprinting towards the back. I ran past other superstars. Roman and Seth sprinting behind me. I ran and ran. I reached the door.

"Janitors Closet" the door read. I twisted the knob . "DEAN!!!!" Roman said as frantically twisted the door knob. "stay back" I grumbled. I kicked the door down and saw Punk there. There was a look of terror for a sec, than a smirk.

I looked at the chair and saw AJ. "go through me first" Punk said with a slight smirk. "Alright. You asked for it!" I said and charged towards him. He fell back and so did it. I punched him and punched him, while Roman untied AJ and Seth called security.

2 security guards came and separated me and Punk. Punk had a busted lip, bleeding nose, and bruised cheek. I was pretty satisfied with my art work. The security guard let me go and I watched as both of the security guards dragged Punk through the hall to Stephanie's office.

I walked down the hall to the nurse, where AJ should be. I felt a warm substance on the right corner of my bottom lip. I gently brushed my finger on it. I looked and saw blood. Ah... No biggie.

I kept walking, passing by superstars who gave me a thumbs up and smiles. Nikki passed by and sneered. Wonder what's her problem? I shrugged it off and knocked on the nurse door.

"Come in" I heard doctor Thompson say. I walked in and saw AJ holding an ice pack on her head. The doctor was writing some thing on a red clipboard. "Hey dean!" Dr. Thompson said cheerfully.

"Hello, Dr. Thompson... How's AJ doing?" I asked, shoving my hands carelessly into my pant pockets. "Well she has a few minor injuries, not much. The one that concerns me most are her fractured ribs... Sadly she won't be able to run, exercise, or wrestle for at least 12-15 weeks." Dr. Thompson said adjusting his glasses.

"Fractured ribs? How'd she even get them?" I asked concerned. "Well they could happen from bumping into hard things or most common, getting kicked in the rib area so much and with so much force, they get fractured" he said. A rush of anger fled through my entire body.

"Will she need any medication?" I asked, after a couple of seconds of having my fist clenched. "Uh yes I will prescribe them for you at the Walgreens a couple of miles away. She will need to rest a lot. Give her healthy foods, just to give her energy to walk and move around. And.... That should be about it" Dr. Thompson said and handed me a blue slip with the names of the medicines on it.

"How long will she have to be laying down?" I asked, worrying about our date tomorrow. "Umm for at least a week. During that week she can only get up to use the restroom, eat, or do some simple chores that don't require much energy for example cleaning a window or table or watering a plant" he said.

I sighed of disappointment. "Alright, will she need anyone to take care of her?" I asked. "Well maybe only for a few days to make sure she's doing fine. I'll give her some a wheelchair for the first 2 weeks to move around and than crutches for the next weeks" he said.

"Alright... Is she free to go?" I asked. "Yes... She may go I'll talk to Stephanie about her not wrestling, have a nice day, Dean" Dr. Thompson said and took out a wheelchair. I put the blue slip in my pocket and carried AJ to the wheelchair and sat her.

She held her ice pack in her lap as I went to her dressing room to ga b her stuff. "What'd you bring, AJ?" I asked her as she waited outside of the door. "Uh my clothes, jacket, and phone" she responded. I grabbed all those things and helped her get dressed in her regular clothes.

No... I did not stare at any 'not supposed to see' parts. I only saw her in her underwear and bra. No less!

I put on her brown Uggs and we went to the car. I helped her walk to the passenger seat and put the wheelchair on the back. Un this is gonna be a long week.

*3 weeks later*

So me and AJ haven't gone on a date yet.... YET! But now that she can walk and move around more, we have planned a date. It wasn't what I wanted, but I still love it. We are going to stargaze while picnicing! Yay!

So we rented the golf court all to ourselves for 3 hours from 10:00pm to 1:00am. So excited! Oh and by the way, the date's today! I have to get ready!

*AJ Pov*

Boy! Am I excited for me and Dean and I's date tonight! It's currently 5:30pm only 4 and a half hours to get ready. I'm going to the beauty salon to get my hazel colored hair dyed dark brown. I'm excited!

Currently I'm reading a magazine at the beauty salon waiting for the dye to set. My rib isn't hurting as much now, only on some occasions it does start hurting. "I think your ready!" Jess said, my cosmetologist said.

*30 minutes later*

4 hours to go! My hair is now dark brown, soft, and fluffy. I went home and picked out an outfit. For my outfit I put on my white crop top, with a mint colored skater skirt, my white pumps, and my white pearl necklace.

I applied some light pink glittery lipgloss, some white eyeshadow, some winged eyeliner, some blush and foundation. I also put on a mint flowery headband. I smiled at the mirror, eh I don't look too bad.

Now it's 7:00pm. 3 hours to go. What should I do in the meantime? Umm maybe I could go visit Brie and get some advice since she's already married. Yeah I'll do that!

I got in my car and drive to Brie's place.

*Dean POV*

Alright 2 hours till AJ and I's date. It's currently 8:00pm. I'll get ready I guess. I took a quick 15 minute shower. I spent another 15 minutes drying my hair. I put on my outfit.
A white button up shirt, with a dark blue blazer over that. I also put on some dark blue jeans, with a brown belt and a black buckle. I also put on my black Allen Edmonds. I adjusted my hair a bit.

Alright half an hour to go! I'll get on my phone for a while I guess. My phone went off. I got a text

From: 😘AJ Lee😘

A: Hey Dean! Pick me up at Brie's for our date! I'll be waiting! :D
D: Kay! See you then!

I'm so nervous but excited for out date at the same time!

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! For earlier updates, comment and vote! Love y'all so much! Or should I say LYASFM! It stands for Love You All So Fu*king Much! Anyways here are seem of my social medias! Follow meh!

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Fate (AJ Lee & Dean Ambrose)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora