Chp 28~ Mean Girls

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I was eating a brownie when I heard an obnoxious laugh. Ugh who invited her...

"OMG HAHA DEAN!" I heard her laugh super loud. I look over at the couch and see Summer Rae giggling and sitting on Dean's lap. He looked confused and was trying to push her off, but she wouldn't budge.

"Dean, when'd you get so handsome?" Summer flirted, biting her lip and poking Dean on the chest. My blood boiled with anger and I put my hands into a fist. I saw Dean look over and smirk a bit.

"Umm Summer-" Dean muttered but Summer interrupted him. "Wow, are you single?" Summer asked him, biting her lip a bit more and moving around on Dean's lap. I was trying to contain myself...

"Summer-" Dean said, a little annoyed but Summer again interrupted him. "How about I go show you what a good time is?" She flirted once more. I couldn't take it anymore.

I got up and left. As I passed Summer, I bumped into her shoulder. "Watch it, Lee!" She snapped at me, I just glared at her and slammed the door behind me.

I heard her say from inside "what's her problem? Oh well, where were we Dean?". There was a lump in my throat, meaning I wanted to cry. Ugh I'm such a baby...

"Alright cmon, lemme show you what a good time is" I heard summer say and I heard footsteps. I peeked through the window and saw him grabbing her arm and leading her to one of the guest bedrooms.

Tears brimmed at my eyes. I ran away before anyone saw me crying. I let out a sob out and I heard the door open. "AJ? HUN?" Ricky shouted. I looked at him and shut my eyes, letting tears flow.

Ricky ran to me, I instantly fell into his arms. I sobbed into his chest. It was comforting, considering he smelled good and was taller than me.

"Shh it's okay hun, let it all out" Ricky soothingly whispered, as he patted my back and ran his fingers through my hair.

We stayed like this for a couple of minutes, until I was cried out dry. I sniffled and let go.

"You better now?" Ricky asked, smiling sympathetically. I lowered my head and nodded.

"Awe AJ, I'm so sorry. Dean is a big jerk! Cmon lets blow this place, let's go back to my penthouse and we can watch the notebook and cry for reals" Ricky joked, causing me let out a dry laugh.

"You wanna leave?" Ricky asked, grabbing both my hands and smiling at me again, sympathetically. I nodded and half smiled. "Alright gimme one second" he said.

I watched him jog back inside and heard him shout, "ME AND AJ ARE BLOWING THIS PLACE, BYE BITCHES!". I giggled at his stupidity. "Oh by the way, the baby is beautiful, bye boo's" Ricky said.

He came back out, holding his jacket in one arm and my car keys in his hand. "Want me to drive?" Ricky asked. I nodded. He nodded and got in the drivers side as I got in the passenger side.

We drove to Walmart first, going in to get some snacks and groceries. We drove back to Ricky's penthouse.

We went in and Ricky immediately crashed onto the couch. "Oh couch I've missed you" he said, closing his eyes.

I stood there awkwardly as Ricky embraces his love for the couch. "Alright AJ, you go set the movie up in the movie room and I'll get the snacks ready, Kay?" Ricky asked, walking to he kitchen.

"Sure, what movie?" I asked, making my way up the stairs but stopped to ask. "Umm surprise me" Ricky responded and I nodded and walked and looked for the movie room.

Ricky's penthouse has like 5 rooms, considering he lives alone. He has his master bedroom, a guest bedroom, a movie room, his office/library, and his gym. He also has 3 bathrooms, one in his bedroom, one in the guest bedroom, and one in the hallway.

I made my way to the movie room. I walked in and it was dim in here. I turned the lights up. The movie room looks just like a cinema, except smaller. It has exactly 24 seats, 4 rows of 6 seats, like a cinema and the giant screen, which was arranged with Dish Hopper and Netflix.

I switched from Dish Hopper to Netflix. I was scrolling and scrolling and found the perfect movie both me and Ricky would enjoy very much and would get my mood up. I smirked as I put it on, but paused it.

Just on cue, Ricky walked in, carrying a tray with a bowl of popcorn, 2 Pepsi's, and 2 bags of skittles. I smiled and we sat in the front row, next to each other.

I dimmed the lights withe the remote and played the movie. The title popped up and Ricky screamed so loud. "AHHH AJ LEE I LOVE YOU!" He shouted and I giggled. I put Mean Girls on...

-halfway through the movie-

"YOU GO GLEN COCO!" Both me and Ricky shouted in unison, as the person in the movie said it. We looked at each other and laughed, turning our attention back towards the movie.

-After the movie-

"WOO! Best movie ever!" Ricky shouted, standing up and stretching. I did too and turned the lights back up. "Ugh what time is it?" Ricky groaned. I took my phone out and turned it on.

"Almost 8:00" I responded. "Ugh, Ima go make dinner, you can sneak back into your place and get some clothes and stuff" Ricky said as I followed him out of the room.

I nodded. "Stop nodding and respond!" Ricky shouted. I nodded again to annoy him. "Ugh AJ, you are unbelievable" Ricky groaned as we made our way down the stairs. I giggled and grabbed my keys.

"I'll be back in a bit" I said as Ricky started getting stuff out of the kitchen. "Okay I'll be here" he responded, not paying attention to me. I rolled my eyes jokingly and smirked.

I left and quietly walked out of the lobby and outside. I got in my car and drive home.

-at home-

I snuck into the house with the key I had. I made sure Dean wasn't here. Nope he must be at a bar or something. I quietly walked upstairs, just in case I'm wrong and he is here.

I went into my room and grabbed my suitcase, filling it with clothes and shoes. I grabbed a random Sephora bag and filled it with my toiletries, along with my makeup bag.

I looked around the room and looked at the wall in front of the bed. There was a photobooth picture of me and Dean when we went to New York. I smiled.

The first one was regular smiling, the second was goofy, the third was serious, the fourth was us laughing at how serious we were trying to be, and the fifth is Dean kissing me.

I walked to the door and placed my hand on the doorknob, only to hear footsteps and keys jingling. That could be anyone I thought... "Fuck... My ass hurts" the person said. Yup it's Dean...

I panicked as I saw the doorknob twist. Oh oh...

Hey guys! OHHH A CLIFFHANGER! Hope you liked this chapter! More chapters coming soon! I'll try to update on Halloween! Bye! Stay Unstable, my friends! ILY

Fate (AJ Lee & Dean Ambrose)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ