Chp 20~ Surprise

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Me and Dean managed to get out of the hotel without anyone seeing us. We got in a taxi cab Dean called for. We drove for about a little while,until the taxi can came to a stop and Dean and I got out.

"Okay close your eyes, babe" Dean said. "What?" I asked confused. Dean chuckled, put his arms on my shoulders and smiled. "Trust me" Dean said. Although, I couldn't really see his face since he had a hoodie on.

"Take off your hoodie, I can only see half your face!" I whined. "No! Cmon close your eyes babe" Dean said and I did as he asked. He softly pressed his hands over my eyes.

His hands felt... Different, they were cold. Dean's hands are always warm... I guess it's cause it's pretty chilly put right now. His voice also sounds different...

I walked along with Dean wherever he was leading me to. "Babe?" I asked. "Yeah?" Dean responded, leaves crunching under his shoes and my boots. "Why is your voice different?" I asked. "Oh uh I'm sick" Dean responded.

"Oh... Okay..." I said and decided not to interrogate him. We finally came to stop. Dean uncovered my eyes and looked around. We were in front of a cabin. In the middle of some sort of woods.

"Dean? Why are we here?" I asked as I turned around. Dean had an evil smile on his face. "Dean... Stop it! It's not funny!" I said lightly smiling, thinking it was a joke.

Dean started walking towards me with that same evil smile. "Dean stop! It's not funny! Your scaring me!" I said, backing up. "Oh who said I was Dean?" Dean said in now a different voice.


Dean took off his hoodie and it wasn't Dean... It was Punk.

"Punk?!?" I said a little more scared now. "Hello AJ" Punk said with that same creepy smile of his. "B-but... H-how?" I stuttered from the cold and nervousness.

"We'll all I had to do was dress like Dean, impersonate a voice like his, and hack into his phone to text you..." Punk said smirking. "What do you want?" I asked, breathing a little out so a cloud of air came out of my mouth.

"You... AJ... You! I'm tired of waiting for Kaitlyn's baby! So I decided to have some fun..." Punk said smirking, walking towards me. "No..." I said. Punk came closer and I hit the cabin wall. "NO!" I shouted and Punk injected something into my neck.

I put my hand over my neck to try to ease the pain. I coughed a little, and fell to my knees, very weak. "Good night, AJ" Punk said smirking before I completely blacked out.

I awoke on a dusty, room. There wasn't much light, besides the very little coming through the old window in the center of the room. I tried moving but I realized I was tied up and I was in a lot of pain'

There was a nite in the middle of the room. I stretched my foot and managed to get a hold of it. I slided it towards me. I slided it close enough for me to read it.

Dear AJ,

Don't worry I didn't do anything to you last night, I just beat you up a little and decided to leave before anyone noticed. Oh and good luck finding your phone!

Sincerely, P

I was tied to some sort of pole, so my hands were behind the pole. I moved my hands around, trying to find something sharp. I felt something. I moved it around in my hand and realized it was a piece of broken glass. I used to cut my self free.

I rubbed my hands bit, they were red from the rope. I tried standing up, but instantly fell bald down, my ribs hurt massively. I picked up my shirt and saw the biggest bruise ever.

I heard a phone ringing and slowly crawled to where I hear it, under a dusty wooden table in the room across the hall.

I saw it and see I had 4 missed calls from Paige, 6 texts from Brie, 2 missed calls from Seth, 6 missed calls from Roman, 2 texts from Roman, 1 missed call from Daniel, 12 missed calls from Dean, and 16 texts from Dean.

I tried calling Dean, but my battery died as soon as I could. I looked for the front door. I found it.

I slipped out of it. My ribs killing me. I walked, kinda crawled to the highway where I waited to see if a car passed by to give me a ride.

*Dean POV*

I was freaking out. My princess was missing. Kaitlyn says she had no idea, Roman said he saw her last night at around 12:00 but she said she was gonna get water.

What could've happened? I'm pack g bald and forth, waiting to hear news from her. "Dean calm down! It's gonna be okay!" Paige said, trying to relax me.

"Calm down? Paige, the love of my life, my princess, my sweetheart, my world, my everything is missing... If something happens to her, it'll be my silt for not protecting her!" I said.

Paige looked at me in awe. "Dean, I'm sure she's okay... She probably just went to the buy something and wandered off, I'm sure she's okay!" Kaitlyn said.

"Thanks Kaitlyn... I'll go get some water to try to relax..." I said, but Brie stopped me."it's okay, I'll go" Brie said. "You sure? I can go-" I said but Brie cut me off.

"Stay here just in case you hear from AJ, I'll go get the water" Brie said and went into the kitchen. I was interrupted by the sound of the hotel door opening.

"Dean..." I heard a sweet voice say. I turned around and saw her. "AJ! BABE!" I shouted and ran over to hug her. "Ow ow ow, ribs..." AJ winced and I let go.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked, worriedly. "Punk kidnapped me, took me to some woods area and beat me, I managed to escape in the morning when he left a note saying he left, I crawled out of the forest and found a taxi cab passing and it offered to take me to the hospital but I said no to take me to the hotel" AJ said.

She was standing in front of me.


I was so weak. As Dean looked at me, I felt numb. My legs turned to jelly and I saw darkness. "AJ, you ok?" Dean's voice echoed in my head. I soon fell, but Dean caught me and stood me back up.

"Woah, easy there babe, I got you, don't worry" Dean said holding a little onto me. "I'm fine..." I mumbled and Dean let go of me. Soon I collapsed into his arms and darkness overflowed my eyes.

*Dean POV*

I caught AJ as she collapsed into my arms. "What the?" I said, holding AJ. "She must've passed out form the pain of her ribs... We have to take her to the hospital!" Roman said.

Oh no... Not this again...
Yay! Update! Anyways love Yall! I'll update soon! Plz comment it'll mean the world to me! XOXO- Naeda

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