Chapter 12

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*Text in italics, character's POV.

Kanth Manor - an eerie silence crept inside the structure and the grounds surrounding it. It felt desolate, despite the guards, drivers, domestic staff and the members of the Malhotra family being present well, almost all members.

Paarth was tensed, worried and furious. Parul was yelling at Chandrakanth and holding her tongue back from using expletives against him. Chandrakanth was angry too. The reason for his temper and the others' were slightly different. The man is a pure narcissist was not taking the accusations from his son and sister but, just being the egoistic moron that he was.

The staff of the house were worried sick and were in fear of losing their job. The sound of a car pulling up their driveway was heard. A visibly broken Aparna crossed the threshold and rushed straight to Parul

"B... bua..wha... aht happened? H... ho...ww... Ddddd...di...Di..." she struggled to speak. The sight of her stammering wrung their hearts out.

"Appu.. shh shhh.. calm down my child" Parul quickly pulled her into an embrace and rubbed her back. Paarth and Parul shared a pained look.

"Calm down Appu, don't get so upset for nothing and ruin your health." Chandrakanth spoke in an emotionless voice.

"Dad" Paarth raised his voice "I'm really surprised how you react. Aren't you in the least worried?"

"I'm Paarth, and mind the way you speak to me son".


Parul turned around to dismiss the domestic staff to their resting area in the backyard. She gestured for Samar to take care of Aparna and stepped toward her brother.

"Oh! You are worried, Chandra? Really? you want me to buy your bullshit?" She scoffed! " I don't see a drop of guilt or worry on that bloody face of yours. And you don't want to inform the police about this either. What kind of concern or worry is this?" Parul was close to blowing a fuse.


"Parul mind your tongue" Chandra jumped out of the couch, raising his voice.

"Shush! Don't try to intimidate me! And why should I? Padmini your wife - been missing for three days. Paarth was at Sneha's house attending her brother's wedding. I went with my in-laws for pilgrimage outside Delhi. Appu was on honeymoon. You were in Delhi. How the fuck did you not know that she left home three days back and hasn't returned after that? Where the hell were you? Answer me damn it!"

Chandra, Paarth, Aparna and even Samar were shocked! The Parul everyone knew was a chipper; this fuming, five-foot volcano seemed like someone from a parallel universe.

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