Chapter 31

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When the call connected in the Police control room it was probably a routine call for the emergency responder, but it was about to cause a lot of commotion in many people's lives.

"Hello! Control room, What is your emergency?"

There was just laboured breathing heard through the line.

"Hello! Kindly speak up, I'm able to hear you... Hello!"

After a few seconds of silence, followed by croaking and groaning sounds a faint
"H.. he.. hello.." was heard.

If not for the improvised equipment the responder would have hardly heard that voice, he was sure it was a female caller.

"Hello, Maam! Are you okay? What is the emergency?"

"I.. injury.. fracture.. blood.." the caller was panting and struggling to speak.

"Did you meet with an accident? Can you give me your location ma'am? Is anybody there with you?"

"home.. no accident.." as she struggled to complete her sentence the responder was sure he heard another weeping voice in the background.

"Ma'am I can help you for sure. If somebody is there with you ask them to speak, please. We can't lose time, we need to help you."

A few minutes passed with grunting and shuffling noises in the background, the responder exchanged some panicked glances with his colleagues, one of whom ran to summon a senior officer.

"Hello officer"
the voice of a young child with a foreign accent reluctantly sounded over the speaker, and the whole control room fell silent.

"Hello beta! I'm Madhav. May I know your name please?"

"I... I'm Vanya. My mom is injured. We need help please."
She broke into a sob "Please, help us. I'm scared. Please. He will come back to hurt us."

"Okay, okay Vanya beta. Relax. We can help you. Do you know where you are and who hurt your mother?"

He prepared to relay information about the kidnap location and the identity of the captives.

"We are at home and Dad... dad hurt mom."
She then gave the address.

"You are at home? Are you hurt too?"

"No, I'm not hurt. Please come quickly.. Mom is losing a lot of blood".


Paarth's car screeched to a halt in the parking lot of the private hospital where the elites of the capital city get treated away from the prying eyes and ears of the media. He rushed towards the ICU after being guided by the staff and Ravi was close on his heels.

"just get away from me Ravi. I asked you to do one thing, man. To take care of Mumma and..."

"Paarth listen to me please..."

The elevator arrived carrying a few more people from the basement parking, interrupting their conversation.

Ravi observed through the glass-panelled elevator that the hospital resembled a five-star hotel. He couldn't help but think that affluent people did have a weird way of showcasing their illness and grief too.

Dressed to perfection at all times, suppressing their grief or distress caused by the sickness or death of a loved one, just so the paparazzi wouldn't catch them off guard with an ugly picture. They were constantly hounded by the public and media eyes, that they could not even afford to express their grief openly. Ravi felt sad for them.

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