Chapter 13

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Sneha was seated in the waiting area of their gynaecologist's private clinic, awaiting her turn for ultrasound scan. A lone tear trickled down the corner of her eyes while her fingers absent mindedly rubbed her belly, somewhat prominent now at nearly five months. Paarth who sat beside her on the couch, gently wiped off her tears and rubbed her baby bump fondly. A pang of bitter sweetness filled the hearts of the young couple, who both heaved a sigh.

"It's almost a month now Paarth, no information right?"
Twenty eight days to be precise, since Padmini had gone missing. Private detective Siddhant and his team was putting their best efforts with no avail.

"Mmm..hhmm..." the future CEO of Jagannath Goup of Industries, was tongue-tied and emotional. He rested his head on the shoulders of his wife trying to find some solace, intertwining their hands.

"Last check up, we both sat here Paarth, you were in investors meeting; I was bombarding Mumma with questions. Ever since my pregnancy was confirmed, she was sharing so many stories, about your childhood and her own experiences during pregnancy. She was pampering me so much that, I confessed that I'd rather be here for delivery. She explained that I should not deprive my parents of that joy." She kept reminiscing her time with Padmini.

Paarth and Sneha had met in an unusual way and fell in love, at the Pet clinic. The Malhotras were animal lovers, it was in their blood. The ancestral home in their village, boasted of cattles, horses and many other domestic animals that they could possibly have. Jagannath who dearly missed the animals after moving to the city, promptly set up a farm house outside the city limits, which housed few animals and also served as the getaway for the family once in a while.

Jagannath and Paarth shared a love for equestrian and also for dogs of Indian breeds. Chandrakanth had bought four Indian Mastiff pups for his kids, two of them were at the mansion and two at the farm house. Sneha a veterinarian by profession, was working in her mentor's pet clinic and Paarth, was looking for a doctor who could regularly visit and check their animals at the farmhouse. After a few consultations, it turned out that he needed the young doctor's attention more than the animals.

Sneha chuckled which drew the attention of her husband, "Paarth remember the first meeting between me and mumma?" He gave her an annoyed 'oh not that shit' look.

"How your plan for bullying me using mumma failed miserably? You wanted her to be the scary, intimidating millionaire, but we both hit it off instantly and pulled a prank on you, instead?" She teased him for the umpteenth time and earned her favourite crooked, sheepish smile from him. Their sweet moment was paused when her name was called by the nurse.


Aparna had to leave for Dubai, since the Khuranas' restaurant inauguration was pre planned event; a month after the wedding. Her presence was required by Samar's side, she couldn't let him down. Paarth and Chandrakanth attended the inauguration where the latter earned a cold treatment from his daughter.

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