Chapter 33 -Epilogue

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Date Published: 27 July 2023
Word count: 3835



Long past my liberation
Memories of anguish, resurface
His voice resounding
From myriad depths of my soul
Devouring my psyche
Like a cackling inferno!
Claws of the past
Sunk into my marrow
My scars brandished form and
Pain simmering mind
Dusting and exhuming
Those fossils of shame,
That shun me to the grave!

Hitting the rock bottom
In mind-numbing stillness of perpetuity
I found the pearls of insight.
I was not lost,
Nor did I drown, but woken
Not buried, nor destroyed,
but transformed
Wasting and whimpering, spent all my life
You can cry me a river
Alas! I shall weep no more! For
Have you seen an ocean drown?
                                              -by Anu


Five years after the successful conviction of Chandrakanth, Paarth receives a call from the prison authorities to inform him that Chandrakanth was ill and was taken to the prison hospital. When Paarth and Sneha rush to meet him, he is in a critical state after a cardiac arrest. The necessary medical aid was provided and he survives.

Upon regaining consciousness after three days he insists on meeting Padmini. When Padmini enters his room, Chandrakanth tries to get up and hold her hand emotionally, while she stays distant and aloof. 

"Hope you are feeling better now. You shouldn't strain" The words of concern did not match Padmini's hardened features.

He sheds tears and apologises profusely to her, having lost a lot of weight and lacking all the luxury and top-notch grooming in prison, Chandrakanth doesn't look anything like his former self.

"I'm sorry Padmini for everything! Please forgive me! I have been so cruel to you... I sit here and think about my life and feel ashamed of myself. Now I realise what I have lost." he glances toward his children "Please, Padmini will you forgive me?"

She stays tenacious and doesn't reply. "Speak something... anything Padmini.  I cannot die peacefully until you forgive me" Neither a muscle nor a nerve in her system sways in his favour.

She senses that Chandrakanth was getting angry, she glances at the tightening grip, her lips curl upwards in a knowing smile.

"I knew it." He barks, "You are happy to see me suffering. Aren't you? You must be celebrating while I'm rotting in jail. How heartless you are? Even after seeing me like this you can't accept my apology?" he wheezes and coughs.

"You can't change and won't change." she glances at him calmly. "You have given me nothing but grief and pain all my life. But expect bailout so early on in the journey?" even uttering his name feels like it would scorch her tongue, she wriggles her hand out of his grip and steps away.

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