Chapter 32

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What can be more joyous to a family than the birth of a child? The arrival of the new life, the most innocent and precious bundle of joy who has the entire family walking on tippy toes while asleep or wrapped around their little bud of a finger 24/7, whose little scrunched face and heart-wrenching pout sends everyone into a panic attack, whose wails throws the entire household into a tizzy of worry and when those little lips break into a toothless smile even the most daunting days of your existence seems like spring break.

How would you feel when you want to celebrate every millisecond of their existence and every little milestone of theirs but you can't?

Betrayed and heartbroken. Right? That's what the entire Malhotra family had to go through for about two years.

Kanth Manor witnessed the arrival of the next generation. Sneha and Paarth were blessed with twins - a boy and a girl; while Aparna and Samar had a baby girl. The babies arrived just in time to relieve them of the chaos that had become their new normal. The death of Kayla and the arrest of Chandrakanth Malhotra were a full-blown scandal, and to say the Malhotra family was hounded by all forms of media would be an understatement. They were even shunned by their extended family.

The journalists and 'self-proclaimed activists' practically camped outside their residences, factories, and offices of Jagannath Group to grab news updates. Society began treating the family like psychopaths, while they too were the victims of one man's wrongdoings. Caught in the aftereffects of Chandrakanth's recklessness left them all like survivors of a natural calamity, grappling in confusion and fighting to survive with dignity every minute.


Newspaper headlines read

'Business tycoon, Casanova, and killer, Chandrakanth Malhotra! Kayla Agnihotri daughter of late Union Minister Ram Agnihotri, killed by secret lover Malhotra, dispute over the legitimacy of their daughter!'

Do you think there could be corpses hidden in their palatial home or factories? Do you know that no female staff is safe in Jagannath Group of Companies? Is it true that he is a habitual offender? How can the wife not know that he was cheating on her? For sure the wife must have some problem, that's why he went looking for other women. Did she also plot along with him to kill the mistress? His son seems to be a decent man! You never know, these kinds of habits could run in the genes. The entire family must be a bunch of psychopaths.'

Hushed whispers grew into loud rumours! These rumour monsters grew larger than life, tentacles wrapping around the Malhotra family in a choke hold, suffocating them and threatening their sanity, and testing their relationships.

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