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Still night, Izzy walked up the stairs to her house. She unlocked the door and once she walked in she and saw her father being thrown past her and into a wall. Izzy drops her bags and closes the door. Her eyes glow and she gets ready to attack.

" Iz. No." Derek groans as he gets up from the ground. He looks back to his attacker and she follows his eyes and sees a wolfed out Scott.

Izzy nods and backs down, she speeds to the kitchen where Marcel stood.

" Do you know what the hell is happening out there?" Izzy motions to where her father and Scott were.

" Yeah. He told me not to interfere what—ever their doing." Marcel shrugs.

" Where's aunt Davina and uncle Kol?" Izzy questions grabbing a water from the fridge.

" They left." Marcel mutters.

Izzy spits out her water. " They what?!"

" They left." Marcel spoke again. " They had to leave in a hurry, to make sure the Mikealson's weren't coming after you. They're gonna drag it out longer. I stood to make sure you were protected here. Not that you need it."

Izzy sighs and leans against the counter. " They could have at least said goodbye."

" They wanted to, but they had to leave early and they couldn't wait. You know how they are." Marcel rolls his eyes.

" Yeah." Izzy nods. " I'm gonna go intervene. If not one of them will end up serious hurt."

Marcel nods and sends her a small smile. Izzy walks out the kitchen and to the living room where she sees them still fighting. Izzy sighs and let's her eyes glow before she throws her hands out throwing a gust of wind their way harshly making them separate as their both thrown into separate walls.

" That's enough." Izzy growls making them both look down shamefully. " Now tell me what happened?!"

Derek gets up panting harshly and looks toward Scott. " I didn't kill him and it's not your fault and it's especially not mine."

Izzy put the pieces together watching as Scott stood up with a wince. " This—This is your fault. You ruined my life."

" No I didn't." Derek snaps.

Scott tilts his head. " Your the one that bit me, are you not?"

" No he's not." Izzy speaks up walking toward them.

" What?" Scott says in disbelief.

" I'm not the one who bit you." Derek repeats. " There's another."

Izzy nods. " Their called an alpha. The most dangerous of your kind. You and my dad are betas. The's more powerful than any other animal upon us...besides me. I'm the stronger supernatural being on this planet."

" My sister came here looking for him. She tried to stop him. No me and Izzy's brother Marcel are trying to find and stop him. Sad enough to say, we can't find him...not without you." Derek adds.

" Why me?" Scott questions looking between the two Hales.

Izzy sighs. " Because he turned you Scott. You're part of his pack. You the one he wants Scotty. You."

None of them were aware of the crimson red eyes watching them from a distance.

                          ✮ ✭ ✫ ✬ ✯

𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 ~ 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔢𝔰 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔨𝔦 Where stories live. Discover now