Vamp Speed

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Izzy leans against the wall sliding down it as she feels a sudden wave of dizziness and a dull feeling in her heart. Izzy closed her eyes blazing red and orange eyes tightly. She knew exactly what this feeling was.

It was like everything around her went silent. She couldn't hear the sound of their voices until she noticed Stiles turning towards the door.

She tugs on his hand making the boy look down at her. "Stop. You can't go out there."

Stiles shares a look with Scott as he squats down in front of her. "Why not? What's wrong?"

Izzy stays quite letting the aching feeling in her head die down. Stiles places a hand on the her leg gently making her look up at him. "Talk to me, Iz."

"Someone's going to die." Izzy whispers her eyes going back to normal at the sudden warm touch.

"Who?" Stiles asks sharing another glance with Scott.

"I don't know." Izzy answers. "I wish I did." Izzy leans her head back against the wall as she holds on to Stiles's hand on her thigh. "God, I hate this fucking part of me."

"Hey, hey." Stiles speaks softly getting her attention. "Calm down, okay? Just breath and let it pass."

Izzy nods slowly leaning her head back against the wall again still clutching on to his hand.

"I think I hear something." Scott tells the two as he leans his ear against the door, listening in. He listens, but flinches back as a shadow passes the slightly blurry glass window, not even feet away from them. Scott snaps his head at the two. "Hide."

Stiles grabs Izzy helping her up as the move back into the darkness in the corner of the room. They all glance around with wide eyes that were filled with terror...well only Stiles and Scott. Izzy wasn't scared of the alpha, she was scared on who it might turn out to be.

"The lockers." Stiles whispers making Izzy and Scott look at him like he was crazy.

"What? N—." Before Izzy could finish her sentence, Stiles grabs her arm pulling her into a locker, him right behind her. They shift around so that they were now facing each other. Their breaths bitches realizing just how close they actually were.

"You have very pretty eyes." Stiles whispers looking into her dark hazel green eyes.

"Thank you." Izzy whispers as they stare into each other's eyes, their rapid heart beats calming down as seconds passed. Footsteps made their way into the room. Stiles goes to open his mouth only for Izzy to place her hand over it.

Suddenly the door to the locker Scott was in opens abruptly, which was then followed by a scream making Izzy quickly remove her hand from Stiles's mouth as they scramble out the locker to see a janitor.

"Ah! Son of a bitch!" Stiles shouts stumbling a bit.

"Stiles, quite." Izzy whispers to him grabbing his arm, keeping him stable.

"Quite, quite!" Scott tells the janitor trying to shut him up.

"Quite my ass, Are you three trying to kill me?" The janitor gasps leaning against the locker. "Get out! All of you."

"Just listen for like half a second, okay?"Stiles tries. Izzy suddenly feels a dull feeling in her chest once again.

"No, not okay. Get the hell out of here right now." The janitor pushes Scott and Stiles out making Izzy follow them.

"Sir, just give us one second to explain—."

"Shut up and go." The janitor cuts off Scott as Izzy stumbles sideways right into the Stilinski boys arms.

𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 ~ 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔢𝔰 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔨𝔦 Where stories live. Discover now