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"AAAHHHH!" Izzy screams, closing her eyes shut tightly. Kate cut her legs once again with a knife. The sharp burning sensation on her thigh making her let out a cry. Derek looks away not being able to handle the scene as he tries to get out of the chains around his wrist.

Hours and hours have passed, night now came over them and Izzy needed something...anything to happen so that she could get her father and herself out of the place and she had just the idea.

"Unfortunately Isabelle, if you're father is not gonna talk... I'm just gonna have to kill you." Kate runs the knife in her hand that she's been using for hours over Izzy's jaw. "Say "hi" to your aunt for me."

At the mention of her aunt, Izzy finally lets a tear escape. The tear rolls down her cheek and on to Kate's hand. Kate lets out a scream clutching on to her red hand. She bends down still holding on to her hand. Izzy kicks her leg up harshly, getting out of the rope that was around her ankle, her foot coming in contact with the side of Kate's face. Kate's head snapped to the side kitting a metal gate, knocking her out.

Izzy looks up at her wrist that was attacked to a gate. She stares a bit harder, her eyes turning red. She inhales a breath before she mumbles out a spell. "Cuplas Si Liberos Á Moi."

Just like that her hands at free, but instead of acting landing on her feet, she drops to the floor letting out a scream when the cold floor touches some of her still opened wounds

"Princess, you okay?" A sweaty Derek turns his hand towards his daughter.

Izzy just nods running her glowing red hands over her legs, healing the small cuts she had. She still felt the pain of the two big ones that were on each side of her legs, but she couldn't think about that right now. Izzy slowly stands, stumbling when she couldn't stay up right.

After finally finding her balance, she lumps over to her father who finally got a good look at her. Her clothes were a crimson red from all the blood she lost, she had heavy bags under her eyes and she looked out of it.

Izzy reached up, grabbing tightly in to the cuffs in her dads wrist. She goes to pull on it when suddenly she hears multiple footsteps making their way down to where they were.

"You have to g—."

"No, no way." Izzy shakes her head getting ready to mumble her spell.

"Iz, go now! Their getting closer." Derek begs her.

"No-no, I can't leave you here." Izzy groans when she feels a stinging pain on her leg.

"Please, princess. Go now." Derek kisses her forehead. The door knob slowly turns and once the door is open, Izzy with all her might speeds out of the room, grabbing her phone, rushing past the multiple hunters that were now firing at her.


✮ ✭ ✫ ✬ ✯

"Izzy?" Stiles phone breaks through the phone.

Izzy felt her whole body relax. His voice made her relieved. "Stiles." She whispers out as she leans against a school bus that was in front of the school, grabbing on to her bleeding arm where one of the hunters shot her at. She remembered that the dance was today and Stiles was obviously there because she didn't see or hear anything in the Stilinski house hold.

"Omg! Izzy!" Stiles exclaims, a weight off his shoulders being lifted. "Where are you? I really need to talk to you?!"

"I-I'm outside the school." Izzy felt herself get dizzy. "I'm near a-all the scho-school buses."

"Stay awake for me." Stiles speaks softly. "I'll be there as fast as I can."

𝔄𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔏𝔦𝔣𝔢 ~ 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔢𝔰 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔨𝔦 Where stories live. Discover now