I Promise- D.J.S.

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In this AU WDW songs are not by the boys but just any other random artist.

Lucy's POV
I got out of the shower feeling especially happy today because today marks six years since Daniel asked me to be his girlfriend. This stunned the whole school, mainly because Daniel was more on the shy side. He preferred to be in the music room teaching himself how to play another instrument, compared to running around on the football pitch. In our school he was labelled as the 'Music Freak'.

Then you have me. I try my best to be nice to everyone. Most of the people in school are either my friends or acquaintances. Then you have those who choose to stay away because they think I'm faking it.

I joined the school a little over two years ago, and I'd noticed Daniel in the music rooms after school. One day I decided to go in and talk to him. He was playing the cello with his back to the door.

"If you're here to taunt me, just get lost. I told you it doesn't affect me.", he said angrily with his back still turned. "I promise I'm not here to do that. I just want to talk.", I responded in a small voice, looking down at my shoes.

Immediately he heard me, he turned around so quickly he nearly flew off the stool. As I looked up at him, I saw met with the most beautiful blue eyes ever. "I am sorry if I startled you, people only ever come into this room to mock me." He said, an apologetic look in his eyes. "Can I hear you play?" I asked hoping he would agree.

Without answering he walked over to the cello and began to play the most beautiful piece I have ever heard. "Wow!" I breathed out as soon as he was done. "Who was that by?" "Me" he said quietly. I looked at him in disbelief. "You wrote that?" He nodded. "That was incredible, amazing, a piece of art." He chuckled and looked at me with an emotion I couldn't place

We stayed there for some time and over time we became very close friends. A few weeks after I had realised I had developed a crush on him he asked me on a date. For our date we went to a cornfield maze, when we got to the middle, there was a candle lit dinner there for the two of us. On one of our later dates he asked me to be his girlfriend and I gladly accepted.
End of flashback

Daniel is taking me for dinner and then some mystery location. I have no idea where. 

I finished getting dressed and come downstairs where Daniel is waiting for me. He hears me come down and looks up at me. I see a smile start to inch it's way across his face. "You look beautiful." He says pulling me in for a kiss. "Ok ok let's go." I say, he was getting a little too into it. I see him pouting at me.

"C'mon you big baby." I drag him out of the house and into the car. He opens the door for me and I get in. As he climbed in, I looked at him, "Can I have aux pleaseeee?" "Ok ok ok get it but stop shaking me" he says laughing at me shaking his arms as I ask.

"Thank you" I yell kissing his cheek and connecting my phone. I scroll through my music and play 'Invitation' because that song is just amazing. Daniel pulls out of the drive way as I continue my loud, definitely not in tune singing.

"I ONLY SAY IT CAUSE I REALLY MEAN IT. I AIN'T AFRAID OF HOW YOU GOT ME FEELING" I feel a tap on my leg. "Mmh?" I muse looking at Daniel who is holding in a laugh. He points out the window at this elderly couple walking down the street and staring at me.

"Fuck" I sink into my chair, face hot in embarrassment. From then on I just quietly enjoy the music until we get to the restaurant.

~Time skip to after they eat brought to you by Daniel deleting pics like me deleting my search history~

"Can you tell me where you are taking me?" I pester for the 100th time. "Nope just wait we're almost there." He says softly. We drive a little more and get to the park that we'd always go to when we were in high school.

"Awe I missed this place." I smile. He gets out of the car and holds my hand leading me to the small lake in the middle of the park. I follow silently looking at our surroundings. In the distance I can see something lying on the ground, as we get closer I see it's a shovel.

"Daniel are you going to get rid of me then bury my body" I say mocking shock. "No don't be silly" he laughs, picking up the shovel and starts to dig.

I am standing there, completely confused as to why this man is just digging in the middle of the park. "Dan-" I start. "Trust the process" is all he says raising is left hand.

After I few minutes he kneels down and pulls a small box out of the hole. I take a few steps forward to get a better look. "What's this?" I ask, as he hands it to me.

"Before we started dating and before we became friends. I was bullied a lot for not being interested in sports and liking music instead. School was like hell for me and I couldn't stand it. But everyday after school I would come here and sit by this lake right here where this box is. I would sit and pretend that I was in a place where people appreciated my music." I'm staring at him, tears threatening to fall. I open the box and read through as he continues.

"I didn't even need to be accepted into their groups. All I wanted was for them to understand that my chosen path was music. But no one seemed to get that. This was my escape. I would come here and write songs, that are in that box. But after I met you and we became friends. I felt so much better because you liked me for who I was. You didn't tease me about not having the same interests as the next guy and I really appreciate that."

"Over time my songs started to change from their usual topic of how I was tired of life and wanted to go somewhere I am free to be myself and nothing else. The songs change to love songs about you. They where about how i want to see the whole world with you, to travel around the world. And how you just came at the time when my life was so dark and lit it up. The sky is so clear when your the view."

"Lucy, all I'm saying is thank you for bringing me out of one of the darkest points in my life and showing me love and happiness." I smile at him tears streaming down both our faces. He reaches into his pocket pulling out a small dark blue velvety box and gets down on one knee.

"So will you make me the happiest man by continuing to be my light for the rest of our lives?" He says looking up at me through tears. "Yes yes I will" I say kneeling down and hugging him. He slides the ring onto my finger and kisses me.

My mind is full of a million thoughts. But the most prominent one is the memory of the day we met.
[Word Count: 1305]

Author's Note ✍🏽
I am so sorry I completely forgot to post this😭.

But I decided to throw in a cute story, in the middle of Kinktober in July💀

Anywho I hope you like this.


Why Don't We Smuts and ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora