Hanahaki Disease- Corbyn

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WARNING: the Hanahaki Disease is not real. So don't be alarmed.

TW// mention of throwing up, blood, suffocation and death.

Inspired by: Video made by Emerald-Rift ASMR (on YouTube), video name, 'Crush helps you with unrequited love' 😊

‣ Requested by: @dear.corbyn on Insta. (go read her stories btw, they're amazing)

Anna's POV

If you had told me this morning that I would spend my afternoon throwing up flower petals. I would probably tell you to stop making shit up, but here we are. It's 1 pm on a Sunday, I'm sitting on the floor by a toilet coughing up white rose petals covered in blood and crying from the pain.

Confused? Let me elaborate.

This is the Hanahaki Disease, which is caused by one-sided love. It makes your crush's favourite flower grow in your lungs. There are three stages:

In the first stage, you just cough or throw up flower petals. They get stuck in your lungs causing a lot of pain.

In the second stage, buds of flower and even fully bloomed flowers are now being coughed up. If its a plant with thorns, those cause the person to cough up blood.

And the last stage, the flowers completely fill up the lungs causing suffocation and eventually death.

There are only two cures; the person you are in love with must tell you that they genuinely love you too or you have a surgery to remove the flower. But of course there is a condition, once you have the surgery your love and memories of the person disappear, never to return.

Now that we are on the same page, back to the story...

I shakily pull out my phone to call my best friend Corbyn a.k.a my crush who doesn't like me back. He picks up after two rings. "Hey Anna!" he says cheerfully, "What's up?" Just as I'm about to respond I feel a few more petals coming up, making me cough violently. "Anna Anna" I hear Corbyn say over the phone. After I finish coughing, I whisper hoarsely ," Please come over." "I'll be there in 5." he says, panic lacing his voice.

I sit at the toilet and cough up more petals as I hear the front door open. "Anna! ANNA! Where are you?" he yells. I try to talk but choke and he hears, suddenly the bathroom door slams open and he's standing in the door way.

Narrator's POV

Corbyn was ready for any situation when he opened the door but not this one. He looks at his best friend crying on the floor with white and red petals around her. "I- um, what's going on?" is all he can stammer out. Just as he finishes his question he witnesses Anna cough up 4 petals, completely dumbfounded, he stands there not knowing what to do.

She looks up at him and explains that she has the 'Hanahaki Disease'. He's never heard of it, so he pulls out his phone to search more on it as Anna continues choking on petals. After a few minutes he looks up and says, "Okay so all we have to do is call your crush and tell them you like them." Anna looks at him forlornly, "Nah that won't work. I know he doesn't like me back." 

"Oh shit. Um, okay what about the surgery then? Yeah that'll work right?" he says a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Yeah but I'll lose all my feelings and memories with them. And I don't want that." Anna responds thinking of losing all the memories she made with Corbyn. They have been best friends since the age of 9 and they are 21, so you can imagine the thought of losing 12 years of memories. "But it's to save your life!" he says not understanding her logic.

"Well my memories are worth more than my life. If I have to live my life with no memories of him, I don't think I'll be able to continue happily." She whispers, slightly choking and whining in pain.

"You're just gonna sit here and let yourself die!" he screams, very scared of the situation. She only looks at him with a sad smile, when suddenly he face contorts into an expression of extreme pain. Gripping her throat, she coughs up a beautiful fully bloomed white rose, covered in blood. "Fuck, I'm at stage two." she groans. "Stage what-" he snatches his phone to look it up again. 

"THERE ARE ONLY THREE STAGES!" he says also breaking down at the though of losing his childhood best friend. 'Okay Corbyn yelling is not going to help' he tells himself. He takes a few breaths and tries to remember all the details about Hanahaki. "Okay so it says you cough up the favourite flowers of the person you like. These are white roses, okay this person has amazing taste. I love white roses." Anna looks up at him, hoping he does not realise that he is the cause of this.

"Fine since you do not want to tell me. I will get my phone and call every single person and ask them their favourite flower." he says triumphantly. "You don't have his number." she whispers as she chokes on a thorn. "Then I'll get your phone and get their number." he retorts.

"Urghhh okay okay fine, I will tell them." she says. "Finally!" Corbyn yells. "Let me grab your phone." he says turning around to leave. "Wait" she calls out, stopping him in his tracks. "I-I don't need it." she says slightly embarrassed. He turns around slowly, a look of confusion evident on his face. "Huh, then how are you going to call him?" Corbyn asks cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy. 

"Well you see... um hesalreadyhere." she stammers. "I'm sorry I did not hear a word of what you just said." he says, taking a step towards her. "I said 'he's already here' " she repeats looks down at her fingers fiddling with the hem of her shirt. a look of realisation crosses his face as he understands that he is the crush she has been talking about.

"Me? I'm you crush." He asks looking at her sadly. he thinks to himself about how he's the one who has been causing her all this pain. "Anna I am so sorry that I caused this but..."

What'll happen next? Does Corbyn like her back and will she be saved? Or does he not return her feelings and will she die slowly as the flowers fill up her lungs? Stay tuned for the next part of Hanahaki Disease <3

[Word Count: 1103]

Author's Note✍🏽

I hope you liked this story. I'm sorry for disappearing, I ain't even gon lie, I was too lazy to write. Sooo I decided to write on a story prompt that I haven't seen anyone else do. If they have then, oh well. 

Sorry for the cliff hanger but I had to keep y'all in suspense somehow. 

Anyways I hope all of you are staying safe. If you want updates on my stories or to participate in votes deciding the next story and other fun stuff. Or you just want to dm me to talk about random shit. Feel me to dm me on insta @smut.dont.we_ . 



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