Repairing Trust

437 16 5

Kokichi's POV

It's Saturday night, and tonight my siblings, Futo, and Shuichi are all hitting the town to have some fun. It's about 7:00 pm right now, and we're waiting for Futo to get to our house so we can leave together. Shuichi is meeting us there. We still don't trust him enough just yet to let him into our house.

We got a little bag together with some stuff we might need tonight, and now we're sitting in the living room waiting. Rantaro seems kinda excited that Futo is coming. I think he had fun when Futo came over for dinner yesterday, and Futo told me he had fun too. I sat next to Rantaro and talked about yesterday as well as today.

"Sooo are you excited to see your boyfriend?"

"Oh stop it, he's not my boyfriend." Rantaro chuckled a bit.

"Then how do you explain the way he fell asleep on you last night?" I nudged his arm with my elbow.

"He was just tired. He just came home from a long shift at the hospital." I could see Rantaro start to smile.

"Uh-huh, suuure. Well then how do you explain that smile? And how much you two were smiling at each other last night? Hmmm?"

"You know I like him heheh. But, I don't know if he likes me the same way. Either way, we are really close friends so it's not really weird that we smile at each other." I'm terrible at hiding secrets, I had to tell him that Futo liked him. Both of them are doubting each other's feelings for the other!

"Yeah about that, I may know a little something about that."

"What is it?"

"Don't tell him I told you this, but Futo told me he does have a crush on you." Rantaro's face lit up like a bright light.

"Really? He does?" I nodded. "And you're sure he said he has a crush on "me" right?"

"Of course! We had a whole conversation about it on the rooftop. This is huge! You're finally gonna get the boy of your dreams to be your boyfriend~" I sigh romantically as Rantaro rolls his eyes and pushes my face away from him. Soon after, we heard a knock at the door. "There's your husband! Go get the door, but act like I didn't just tell you the greatest news in the world."

"Heheh whatever you say." He gets up to go let Futo inside. "Hey Futo! Glad you could make it tonight." Rantaro lets him inside.

"Hey guys! I'm so excited for tonight. It's been a while since I've been out in the town like this heh." Futo comes inside and joins us in the living room. Hajime and I said hello and we chatted for a few minutes. Rantaro comes up next to Futo.

"Are we all ready to go?" We all nodded at Hajime's question, then headed for the door. Rantaro turned to Futo to talk to him.

"Oh, I remembered where that bakery was in town that we were talking about before. It's right by the boardwalk. Maybe we can grab something from there!"

"Ooh yay! I could really go for something chocolate right now hehe~" Futo clasped his hands up under his chin. Rantaro made a small laugh before noticing something.

"Hey, what's that on your hand Futo? Is that a brace?" Futo looked down at his left hand. He sounded a little worried.

"Oh yeah, I had a bit of an accident a year and a half ago and I shattered most of the bones in my arm and hand. It's better now, but sometimes it feels sore so I wear either a wrist brace or elbow brace whenever either spot feels sore. But it's no biggie!"

"Ah, got it. I thought you might've hurt yourself at work again heheh." We all talked while we made our way to the town. We stopped at that bakery Futo and Rantaro were just talking about and we ordered food and sat down while we waited for Shuichi. I texted him and told him where we were. Rantaro and Futo were up at the register picking up the orders.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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