So Close

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Kokichi's POV

It's been three days since I wrote that letter. I'm still trapped in Shuichi's house. He has tortured me still, everyday. However, he let me out of the basement. I'm in his home, upstairs. It was very weird. Because yesterday, Shuichi came down to the basement, and, he apologized. He said he felt bad. He said that he'd let me out of the basement, but not out of the house. It's not like I could move much anyway. I could barely make it up that stairs myself. It was strange...

Flashback to last night...

"O-Ouma...I have something to say.." Shuichi says.

"...w-what are you going to do to me?..." I mumble.

"..I'm going to let you upstairs...but I won't let you leave...I, I feel a little bad...I know I kidnapped you, and I've been torturing you.. but I love you still...and I'm, I don't want you escaping. We've done so much together. I never want it to end. Now, if you agree to be my lover, I will lighten up on the abuse." Shuichi says. I don't fully believe him, but it's worth it. I wouldn't mind being his 'lover' or whatever for a few days. I just want to go home. I nodded my head, and Shuichi untied me. I fell to the floor. Shuichi tells me to go upstairs. I'm too weak to get up.

"...c-can you help me?..." I mumble weakly. Shuichi makes a look, and hits me in the back with the metal pipe. When he does that, I felt something in my back pop or something. I think he broke my back. "Gh!...I-I didn't want to..h-hurt me..."

"My bad. Now get up." Shuichi says. I crawl over to the stairs, and get up. I use the wall and railings, and slowly I make my way upstairs.

Present time...

Well, I'm sitting on Shuichi's sofa, wrapped in a blanket. I just woke up, and I'm exhausted. Shuichi went out to go to school. Shuichi told me I can go in the fridge and get myself food. I had gotten myself a glass of milk and some fruit. As I stumbled to the living room, I noticed a telephone.

"...I-I can call R-Rantaro..." I say. I stumble over to the phone. I see a note.

"I've disabled the phones. No phone calls." It read. I bet Shuichi wrote the note. Well, I take my breakfast and stumble back to the sofa, and sit back down. I just sit, wrapped up. I'm in tremendous pain, and I'm exhausted. I just wanna go home...

Rantaro's POV

It's 2:30pm now. I went home early from class again. I had another 'meltdown'. I'm so worried about Kokichi. We haven't gotten another letter from him. Well, I decided to go for a walk to try and calm myself. Well, I'm still on crutches though. Well, I pass a very nice house. It's one story, but it's very nice. It has a large window in the front. I stop to admire it.

"..I wonder who's house that is.." I say. I look in the window. I can see someone inside. But I can't see them all too well. But I can make out a few details about the person. "'d say that looks like Kokichi..but it's probably not him.." I pause for a moment. Maybe, it 'is' Kokichi. The person walks towards the window. Am I hallucinating? I think it is him.

Kokichi's POV

I'm in Shuichi's living room still. I've been there pretty much all day, except to use the bathroom or to get myself food. Well, I'm looking out of the window. I see somebody. I must be dreaming, because to me it looks like Rantaro. But it's probably not him. I keep looking at them.

"..R-Rantaro?..I-is that you?.." I mumble. I look closer. The person is on crutches, and has light hair. Am I hallucinating? I think it is him. I try to get his attention. I'm knocking and I'm waving through the window (Dear Evan Hansen song) hoping that he'd see me. And hopefully wave back at me.

Rantaro's POV

The person begins to wave. I look closer. It IS Kokichi! It looks like he's saying something. But I can't hear him. He, looks all beat up and bloody. He has bruises all over his body. He's injured badly. But who would do this to him? All of a sudden, a car pulls up.

"Hey! What are you doing at my house?!" I hear. I can't see their face, but I knew I had to get out of there. I look at the house number, and as quick as I could, I made my way back home. If only that person didn't show up. I could've gotten in and got Kokichi. I was so close...

Kokichi's POV

Rantaro was just chased away by Shuichi. He's gone now.

"No! Please! R-Rantaro come back!.." I scream. I then burst into tears. I hear the door open. Shuichi comes in. What is he going to do to me?...

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