It's All Over Now...

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It's been another two days. I'm still stuck in Shuichi's home. I've been stuck in his basement ever since that day the police came to his house to question him. I don't know what that was about, but it definitely wasn't good. I wasn't upstairs for the questioning. He pushed me down the basement stairs and locked me in there. He then came down about 20 minutes later. I was so scared- but- today, about 5 minuets ago, I could hear sirens. It sounded like it came from like an ambulance or a fire truck or something. But it wasn't clear. I'm laying down on the basement floor. I can't get up. I'm too weak right now. After a moment I could hear the sirens. They were getting louder and louder. I slowly lifted up my head.

"Huh?...anybody there?..." I mumble. I don't hear anyone's voices. I'm hopeless. But- eventually, there was loud banging on the door. "..who's there?.." the banging continues.

"This is the police. Is there anyone down there?" I hear. I gasp and look up.

"There's no one down there!! There's nothing down there!" I hear also. I hear a lock turning.

"We have a search warrant! And we have eyewitnesses claiming to see Kokichi in your home!- woah!! Hey! Put the gun down!!" I then realize that it's the police and Shuichi. Shuichi has a gun.

"Never! If you open that door I-I'll shoot you!!" He says.

"Alright!..we won't open the door..just, put the gun down, and put your hands behind your head." The officer says. Shuichi refuses.

"No!! Cuz if I do that, y-you'll just go down there anyway!" He yells. The front door then opens. It's the officer's partner. He bursts in, and tackles Shuichi to the ground. "H-Hey!! Get off of me!!" The officer takes Shuichi's gun, then proceeds to handcuff him. He then hauls him up, and carried him out to the police car. And all the while, Shuichi was screaming. "OUMA KUN!! OUMA KUN I LOVE YOU!!" There was a silence. All that could be heard was the sirens. I laid there helplessly on the floor waiting for the officer to find me.

"Please..please..h-help me.." I whimper. I cry silently. After a moment, the door opens. The police officer comes down to me. She kneels down, and supported me on her lap as she gently caressed me. I cry aloud.

"Hey..Kokichi you're going to be just fine..he's not going to hurt you anymore.." she calmly whispered to me. She sat there with me for a while. She then helps me stand up. I can't walk. I can't even put weight on my left foot. She notices that, and just decided to carry me up the stairs. "The ambulance is right outside, and it's ready to take you to the hospital. They'll treat you there, and they'll take you home."

"..o-ok.." I mumble. "..I-I want to see my brothers..please.."

"We'll see what we can do." The officer says to me as she brings me outside to the ambulance. She lays me on the gurney. Just as I'm about to answer her, I hear a gasp.

"Kokichi?-..." I hear. I look to where I think I hear it. My eyes go wide. It's Futo. He's standing there beside the ambulance in an EMT uniform. He stands there still for a while. He then rushes over to me. The officer gets in her car and drives off with Shuichi in it. Futo goes to take me into the back of the ambulance. He stays back there with me.

"..Futo.." I murmur through pain and trying to hold back my crying.

"Say no more Kokichi...h-how..y-you're back..this..this is amazing.." Futo says aghast. He too begins to cry. "You've been gone for almost a month and a half..we all thought..we thought you were killed.."

"Shuichi kidnapped me..he beat me..e-every day..h-he pushed me down the stairs..I-I think my foot is broken or something.." I murmur while looking up at Futo. "..I-I mean..I'm still alive, ain't I?..nee-heehee..!" I smile with wide frightened eyes. Futo smiles back at me and chuckles once or twice. He touches my head softly.

"You poor thing...Hajime and Rantaro have been so so worried..we all have.." He says. "..but don't you worry. I'm gonna take care of you..Shuichi can't hurt you anymore. You're going to go home." I smile more and start bawling of happiness. Eventually we arrive at the hospital. Futo asked his boss if he could switch his shifts so he can take care of me. Oh yeah. He works as a surgeon, ER physician, EMT, and he works at urgent care sometimes. Anyway, his boss allowed him to, and Futo went to tend to me. He took me to the emergency room, and they put me to sleep. They gave me anesthesia, and they stitched up major wounds, and they provided me with blood. They also took me for X-rays and CT scans. Luckily, only my left wrist and left ankle are broken, and nothing else. But there's a crack in my skull from being hit and pushed down the stairs. I have a mild concussion, and some of the ligaments and tendons in my hands, wrists, arms, and legs are severed or damaged. But surprisingly, I'm not all that injured. Well, after all of that, I was woken up. At first, my vision was a bit blurry and I couldn't really hear anything either. But it got clear after a while. I could see Futo standing beside me. I'm laying in a hospital bed. He has a warm smile.

"Morning.. how are you feeling?" He asks me kindly.

"Nee-heehee! I'm feeling better! Though..when will I be able to see Rantaro and Hajime?.." I ask. Futo's smile starts to fade. He doesn't answer the question for a little.

"..I'm not sure..but I'll see what I can do..ok?" He says. His smile comes back. A small one. He pats my shoulder softly. I nod and grin wide. Futo giggles a little bit. "Alrighty. How about I get you something to help you with the pain." He goes and gets a couple pills and a syringe and a cup of water. He puts the cup and pills on a little tray beside the bed, and he gets rubber gloves on, and goes to deliver the medication in the syringe. He delivers it in my shoulder, then he disposed of the needle. Futo and I talk for a while. He then goes to get himself a drink. He exits the room and I'm by myself. I'm reading a book, when I hear knocking on my door.

"Nee-heehee! It's open Futo!" I say. I look back down in my book. I hear the door open, and a gasp. I look up, and gasp myself.

"..Kokichi..I-is it really you?..." my visitor says. When they walked in, I almost died. It was Hajime and Rantaro...

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