He's Got A Secret

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It's that same evening. It's been about an hour since I came back from the doctor. I'm sitting on the sofa, drinking tea. Hajime and Rantaro are sitting with me.

"How are you feeling now, Kokichi?" Rantaro asks me. He wraps his arm around me.

"Better. I'm, actually kinda hungry. Heheh." I say.

"Heheh. Don't worry. Rantaro can go get you something to eat." Hajime says. Rantaro nods, and stands up. He pats my shoulder, and goes to get his coat. Hajime pulls up a blanket over us. We then hear a door open.

"I'll get him food. But I'm taking your car." Rantaro says. Hajime and I chuckle.

"Kokichiiiiii!!" We hear. It's Hiyoko. She comes out to us, and stands in front of us.

"Hiyoko, What did I say? Your brother doesn't feel well. Please don't bother him." Hajime says strictly. "And I thought we told you to stay away from Kokichi."

"What do you mean, stay away from him!? You're so mean!!" Hiyoko yells. She grabs my arm, and tries to make me stand up. I fall off the sofa.

"Ouch!" I bellow.

"Hiyoko! I said stop. Let Kokichi go. We told you so many times to leave Kokichi alone. Now, go back to your room and stay there." Hajime says upset. Hiyoko goes to her room. I stand up slowly. Hajime helps me up. "Are you alright, Kokichi?.."

"Y-yeah.." I mumble. I rub my head.

"Oh, Kokichi.. you skinned your wrist a bit.. here. I'll get you some ice." Hajime says kindly. He goes into the kitchen, and puts some ice in a plastic bag, and wraps it in paper towels. He gives it to me, then goes to get a bandage from the bathroom cabinet. While he's in there, Hiyoko comes back out.

"Kokichi!!" She yells. She pulls me off the couch again. I fall off.

"Ow! Jeez, Hiyoko.. didn't Hajime tell you to leave me alone? Put me down!" I say upset. Hajime comes back out.

"Hey! Put him down! I told you to leave him alone!" Hajime scowls. Hiyoko lets go. The back of my head hits the floor. Hiyoko goes back into her room. Hajime helps me up again. "Are you alright?" He chuckles reassuringly.

"Heh. Y-yeah.. But, I think my head hit the floor.." I say. I put my hand on the back of my head.

"Hm.. you know what, let Rantaro have a look before he leaves." Hajime says. I nod. Hajime gives me the bandage to put on my wrist. Rantaro walks from the kitchen towards the door. "Oh. Rantaro. Before you go, can you take a look at Kokichi's head? Hiyoko dropped him, and his head hit the floor."

"Yeah. Sure thing." Rantaro says. He walks into the bathroom, and gets a small light. He comes back out, and looks at my head. "Nothing serious. It's probably going to bruise a little. Ice it, for about 10 minuets."

"Ok. Thaaaaanks!~" I say. I make a cat face. Rantaro and Hajime laugh, and Rantaro goes out to get me dinner.

Rantaro's POV

I'm driving to the grocery store to pick up Kokichi some dinner. And iced lattes for Hajime, Kokichi and I. I pull up in the parking lot of the store, and I get out of the car. As I walk towards the store, I can hear this, strange moaning. I look to where it is coming from, and it seems to be coming from an alley next to the store. I walk towards it.

"Hello?.. anyone there?.." I question. I see a shadow walk out. It's a young boy, around Kokichi's age. He's wearing all black, and he has black hair, and a little ahoge too. He looks distressed. His face is covered in blood, as he's twitching.

"..w-what do you want..." He questions skeptically. I walk over to him.

"Oh my god. What happened to you? You look hurt.." I say to him. "What are you doing here?"

"I...I-I was attacked..." He says shakily. He didn't really look scared, but he looked provoked and a bit angered. I could tell he was not really mentally stable. He was shaking, and his eyes looked dilated. He was pale too.

"You were attacked?.. hm.. it looks like you got struck in the face.. are you alright?.." I question him. "What's your name?"

"M-my name?... m-my name.. is... S-Shuichi... Shuichi Saihara..." He says. I try to calm him down. I tell him to take deep breaths to calm himself. He does as I tell him.

"Ok. Very good.. wait.. did you say, 'Shuichi Saihara'?.. do you go to Hope's Peak Academy?.." I question. Shuichi nods. "Oh! Then, do you know my younger brother Kokichi?" Shuichi has a shocked look.

"K-Kokichi?... Kokichi Ouma?..." He asks. I nod.

"Ok. Well, let's take care of your face." I say. I take my light, and examine Shuichi's cheek. There's a gash in his cheek. "Hm.. did you get struck by a knife?" I ask as I put a patch on Shuichi's face. Shuichi nods.

"Th-thank you..." Shuichi says. "Uh.. I have to go now.." He darts off.

"Uh?.. no problem.." I say confused. "Hm.. he's, acting strange.. he must have a secret..." I walk inside the store, and pick up Kokichi's dinner. I then go to my café that I own, and make iced lattes for us. I drive home.

Shuichi's POV

I just arrived home from being in the alley. I go into my bathroom, and take off the cloth patch that Kokichi's brother put on my face. I look at the wound.

"...I hope he didn't find out..." I say to myself. The reason why I was in that alley, was because I killed someone. I 'was' attacked, but they attacked me first. I hadn't even planned to kill the young girl, Maki Harukawa. She slashed my face first, then I murdered her. I felt so nervous when Kokichi's brother saw me. I thought he would ask about the blood on me. But, luckily he only noticed the wound. I felt really tense when he told me he was Ouma-kun's brother. Anyway, after I looked at the cut, I put the patch back on. I made myself some coffee, and I sat down on my sofa.

Kokichi's POV

It's been a while since Rantaro headed out to get me dinner. Hajime and I are sitting in the sofa. I'm icing my wrist, and I have another pack of ice resting on the sofa. I laid my head on the ice pack.

"How do you feel?" Hajime asks me.

"Much better." I say relaxed. Hajime chuckles. He took my temperature a little bit after Rantaro left. My fever went down, to about 102.1. It didn't go down by much, but it feels like it went down a lot. I feel much cooler. Hiyoko walks out of her room.

"..? Hiyoko.. what are you doing out here?" Hajime asks her.

"I wanted to sit out here.. it's boring in my room!" She complains.

"Fine.. if we let you sit out here, promise me that you won't sit near Kokichi, and you won't bother him. Ok?" Hajime says.

"Ok. But why can't I sit near him?" Hiyoko asks.

"Because Kokichi has the flu. I don't want you to get sick too." Hajime says. Hiyoko nods, and sits in the love seat. Not long after, Rantaro walks in.

"Hey." He greets. He walks over to us. He gives me a bag, and a latte. He hands Hajime a latte too. Rantaro goes to put his coat away, then sits down with us. "Have you been icing?"

"Yeah." I say.

"Heeeeey! How come you two get to sit with Kokichi!?" Hiyoko complains.

"We're taking care of him. And we both have a better immune system than you do." Rantaro says. He kinda sasses Hiyoko. The three of us chuckle, and I eat my food, and drink my latte.

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