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It's the next morning. I'm still at Shuichi's house resting up. I'm feeling a lot better from when I got attacked. Well, I'm sitting on Shuichi's sofa, eating a brownie he made me. He sits down with me.

"This is sooooo good, Saihara-Chan! It almost tastes like my brother's recipe. He works in a café, and he bakes treats for me." I say with a little smile.

"Heh..I bet his brownies are awesome." Shuichi says.

"They are." I say. I begin to think about Rantaro. I've been at Shuichi's house for about a week, and I haven't seen Rantaro and Haj in a while. I'm missing them. "..but, I kinda miss you think I can go home now?"

"Not quite brother actually talked to me. Your oldest." Shuichi says.

"You didn't stab him again, did you?" I say. I glare at Shuichi.

"No no! I didn't, I promise. He was aware that, um, that you went missing. And he knew you and I talked, s-so, he came to me. He said he and your other brother and your sister were going away for two weeks. They were going to the beach." Shuichi says. He, sounds a little nervous.

" didn't want to look for me?.." I say disappointed.

"No, of course they were eager to know where you were. They told me to contact them if I see you." Shuichi says. I just nod. Shuichi sounds a little suspicious. I don't think my family would go on vacation without me, especially while I'm missing.

Rantaro's POV

It's 10:30 am. Hajime, and myself are at our home. There's also two police officers. I called them back over to tell them I saw Kokichi in that boy's house.

"So you have located Kokichi?" One officer asks.

"Yes. He was in that boy Shuichi's house." I say to the officer. "Please bring him home. Please.."

"We'll get him back, I promise you." She says to me. She turns to the other officer. "Let's go find him." The officer nods his head, and they go to get Kokichi. Hajime sits down with me. He has two cups of coffee in his hand. He hands one to me.

"Do you think they'll get him?" I ask Hajime.

"I know they will." He says back. I nod. Hiyoko comes out of her room.

"Hajime are you going to take me to school or not?!" She says with attitude.

"Hiyoko can you not give us attitude for once? This is a serious situation. Your brother has been missing for 3 weeks, and you're not even the slightest bit worried." Hajime says annoyed.

"Well hey! It isn't my fault he got kidnapped! Now take me to school!" She yells.

"Just get on the bus! I have to stay here and wait for any information from the police." Hajime says.

"Then Rantaro can drive me!" She says.

"No he can't! He's still on crutches! He can't even walk by himself, let alone driving!" Hajime argues back. I can't stand all this arguing.

"Guys just stop it!!" I yell. I start to break down. Hajime and Hiyoko look at me. "I can't take it anymore!! Y-you two are always fighting, a-and Kokichi is still missing, and I still can't even walk! This is all driving me insane! We're supposed to be looking out for each other..not screaming at each other.." Hajime and Hiyoko go quiet. Hiyoko goes back in her room, and Hajime just hugs me.

"I'm sorry Rantaro..we won't fight until we find Kokichi. I promise." He says. I nod my head. " lets just wait for the police to call back."

Kokichi's POV

It's the afternoon, around 1. Shuichi went out to do some light shopping, and he left me here by myself. I've been trying all day to find a way out of his house. I remember why I'm here. But it's very vague. All I remember is that someone took my out of my bed while I was asleep, and somehow I ended up here. I can vaguely remember Shuichi beating me. Mostly with pipes, and stabbing me. I remember how he injected me with something, and said something like 'it will help me forget'. But he never told me what I would forget. Now I know. After I had remembered, I had this really really bad trauma episode. I started shaking and freaking out so bad. I have to get out and get home. The door opens. It's Shuichi. I try to act natural.

"Hey bud. How are you doing?" He asks me with a smile.

"G-good.." I say. There's a hint of fear in my eyes. What will he do to me? He notices my fear.

"Ouma-kun are you ok? You seem scared. And a bit shaky." He says. He walks to me. "Do you feel ok? Do you have a temperature?" He puts a hand on my head. "Doesn't feel like it. What's wrong?"

"Um..I-I kinda had this..flashback, of you, beating me..and stabbing me..I'm not sure if that's completely true, but, I don't feel comfortable with that." I say to him skeptically. He gives me a serious look.

"I'd rather not discuss that." He says seriously. He begins to walk in to the kitchen. I get in front of him.

"Shuichi, I want to know more of what happened." I say.

"I don't want to talk about it!" He says louder and more aggressive. There is knocking on the door. "Go into the basement. Right now." Slowly I make my way to the basement door. Shuichi peeks through the small window by the door. He then comes back to me. He opens the door, then shoves me down the stairs. I scream as I tumble down the stairs. I hit my head, and I black out. Shuichi closes the door, then goes to let the police in. "Hello. What can I help you with officers?"

Shuichi's POV

"We need to talk to you. We need to search your home." The officer says to me.

"About what? Why do you need to search me home?" I ask a bit nervously. "Have I done something wrong?"

"We aren't sure. We have gotten reports of sightings of a missing teenager in your home. Kokichi Ouma? Does that name ring a bell?" The officer says to me seriously.

"Oh...he's still missing?.." I say. I sound heartbroken. "Have you found him?"

"No, but someone has reported seeing him in your home. And Kokichi's brother states that you stabbed him in the shoulder? And one of Kokichi's classmates as well? Does the name Domo Futo ring a bell?" The officer asks me.

"No ma'am." I say. I then think. "..oh I think I do know who that is. Is he short? Does he have blue eyes long brown hair in the front?"

"Yes. We talked to him about the incident. Both his stabbing and Kokichi's abduction." The officer says. "He says you stabbed him after you asked him to meet you in the closet at your school. He also says that you stabbed Kokichi's brother. They're starting to find you suspicious."

"Oh. Th-the stabbing was just a misunderstanding. I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt.. I..I'm bipolar..sometimes I have awful mood swings." I say. "I'm sincerely sorry for the trouble I caused.." I rub my arm and look down.

"That's alright. Now about Kokichi. We must search your home, due to the sighting reports." The officer says.

"Oh, but, there's no one here but me. I live alone." I say.

"Well that may be true. But he we need to check if you are the kidnapper."

"I assure you I'm not.. I would never do anything to hurt him. I loved him."

"You are homosexual?"

"Yes I am.. and I'm proud to say that." I give the officer a firm look. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave now."

"Not until we search you."

"I want you to leave now."

"Have it your way. But be prepared for when we come back with a search warrant." The officer looks at me firmly as she walks off my patio into her police car. Her parter follows. I close the door and I head down to the basement.

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