Info-Kun Kiibo

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It's that same afternoon, where Ouma-kun gave me that cupcake. I'm holding the container, as I walk to the courtyard for our lunch period. I go to sit at my usual bench in the corner of the school. I sit down, and place my books on the soft grass. I put the little container on top of the bench in front of me. I sit there, quietly.

"Oh look, Mukuro! There's that weird boy over there. He's so lonely! Maybe I should go talk to him." I hear faintly. A student, Junko Enoshima says from far away. I glance over at her. Her and Mukuro, Another student walks over to me. "Hi, Shuichi! You're so lonely over here! And you look hot! Well, lucky you! I'm here to sit with you! Aaaaaand, I've got a little something for you!"

"..what do you want, Junko?.." I say blankly. In the distance I can hear little footsteps. I just ignore it.

"I wanted to cool you off! Here!" She sneers. She has an iced coffee in her hand. She opens the top of it, and just, dumps it on me. All over my head.

"Gh!-..w-why did you do that?..!" I say with agony and peril. Junko Laughs. I sit there, with cold coffee soaking my body. I grit my teeth.

"You looked hot! I wanted to cool you down-" she starts to say.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I hear. It's Ouma-kun. He comes over to us. He has an upset expression. He crosses his arms. He sees me, with my face in an angered expression. I'm shivering a little bit. "Junko, That was mean! He wasn't doing anything to you.." Junko puts her hand on Ouma-kun's shoulder. I get even more upset.

"Don't worry, babe! He's fine! It's only coffee." Junko sneers. Ouma is not amused. He steps back from Junko.

"Still, That wasn't nice. Now, go. Leave him alone." Ouma-kun says to Junko. She and Mukuro walk away. "..Shuichi, are you ok?.. that wasn't nice of her."

"..I-I'm fine... j-just a" I say shakily. I am cold, but also a bit nervous. Because Ouma-kun is talking to me. And, standing up for me. I may be shivering, but I'm blushing.

"..I'll go get you a towel, Saihara-Chan." Ouma says. He goes to the gym locker room to get me a towel. I'm sitting at the table, dripping with coffee. I look to my right, and I see Kiibo-kun.

"..let me guess.. Junko Enoshima?" He asks. I nod. "I know ways to get back at her..many ways.. I can help you get rid of her."

"You can? How?.." I ask. Just as Kiibo is about to answer, Ouma-kun comes back.

"Saihara-Chaaaaaaan, I got you a towel!" He says. He brings me a towel to dry myself. I blush.

"Th-thank you, O-Ouma." I say with nervousness. I dry myself off. My clothes are still a little wet. I looked to my right, and I noticed that Kiibo wasn't there. I looked around for him. He was nowhere in sight. Ouma sits down across from me at the table. I look up at him, blushing, yet still miserable looking. Ouma notices.

"Saihara-chan, are you ok? You look upset." He says. My eyes widens with surprise. I blush even more.

"I-I'm, still a little cold.." I say shakily. " I-I'm gonna get an extra pair of clothes from the locker room.. I-I'll be back." Ouma nods his head, and I dash off. I get to the boy's locker room. I go into my locker, and get clean clothes. I change outfits, and I head back to Ouma-kun. On the way out, I see Kiibo-kun. "Oh.. hey, Kiibo..hey, um, you wanted to tell me how to get rid of Junko?"

"Yes..there are many ways to expel her.. for one, you can frame her for theft, inappropriate behavior, and much more.. shall I help you?" He explains. I nod. ", I need you to go into the staff room, and sneakily retrieve the answer key sitting in one of the desks.. once completed, find me.." I nod once more, and dash off to the facility room. I peek inside, to see if any teachers are there. There are none. I begin to search for the answer key. I eventually find it. I'm walking in the halls to find Kiibo. All of a sudden..

"Saihara-Chan! There you are!" I hear. Startled, I look up. It's Ouma-kun. I sigh relieved. "I was looking everywhere for you."

"Oh, heh..s-sorry.." I say with a blush.

"That's ok. Well, how about we head back to lunch?" He says with a little smile. I nod, and we begin to walk together. I look down. I'm blushing badly, and my heart is pounding hard in slow thumps in my chest. I'm nervous, yet a little happy to be walking with Ouma.

"..u-um.. I-I have to give something to someone..I-I'll be right back.." I say. Ouma nods his head, and I run off to find Kiibo. I find a room, which has a sign that says 'info club'. I decide to peek through the closed curtain.

"..I'm busy.." I hear. I think I see Kiibo sitting in front of a computer.

"Kiibo, it's Shuichi.. I've got the paper." I say.

"Good..give it to me.." He says. I slide the paper under the door. After a few seconds, two identical papers come back from under the door. "This one's free..but don't get used to it.." I take the papers.

"What do I do now?" I ask.

"Look at your phone..I will tell you the instructions." Kiibo says. I nod, and look at my phone. A little notification comes up. I tap it. It tells me how to get Junko in trouble. The next step is to put the original paper back, and the copy in Junko's desk. Once done, I must report her to the teacher.

"Got it..thanks.." I say. I run off to do what I'm supposed to. I finish all of the steps, except for the last one. I must wait until class time. So, I head back to my lunch bench. Ouma is waiting for me.

"There you are! I was waiting." He says with a little smile. I sit down across from him.

"Y-yeah..heh.. sorry to keep you waiting.." I say with an awkward smile. Ouma giggles, and eats a little bit of his lunch. I eat the cupcake Ouma got me. We talk and eat. Time goes by since then. It's class time, finally. It's time for me to go tell the teacher about Junko. It's a little bit into class. I decide to tell her now. "Um..Sensei..I think Junko is cheating off of an answer key.."

"Huh? Why do you say this?" She asks me.

"I can see a paper inside her desk.." I say. Sensei goes to Junko's desk. She sees the answer sheet.

"Junko Enoshima! How could you?!" Sensei says aghast.

"Huh? I have no clue on what you're talking about!" Junko says in her snobby voice.

"You're cheating!" Sensei says.

"What? No I'm not! How could I be cheating?" Junko says confused. Sensei points to the paper in Junko's desk. "What? How did that get there? I swear I didn't put it there!"

"This in unacceptable. I thought you were a good student. Go to the counselor this instant." Sensei says. Junko gets up and leaves. Sensei walks to me. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Shuichi." I nod, and go to sit back down. I've done the job, of hopefully getting her expelled. I sit back down in my seat, and continue with class.

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