Back in the Swing of Things

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It's been almost a year since Shuichi kidnapped me. I'm back at school and, everything feels normal for once. It, actually feels great. Hiyoko is in my school now. She's moved up to the high school. Rantaro's injuries from the car accident are fully healed now, and he's back to work in both the café and the hospital. Rantaro has graduated from college, and he now works as a surgeon as well as a trauma physician. He's actually on Futo's team in the hospital for both jobs. He's an intern and Futo's the head of the teams. His café has made really good progress, and even made top story on the news a few days ago. Well I'm back at school. It's before school. Cleaning time just ended, and now I'm in the courtyard with the rest of my peers. I'm sitting by the fountain talking with Futo. And, Hiyoko seems to be around me nonstop. It's, kinda annoying.

"Hiyoko, why don't you just go talk to Mahiru? She's right over there talking to Himiko." I say.

"But I don't wanna! I wanna make sure you don't find a girlfriend! Cuz if you get a girlfriend, you'll forget about me!" She whines.

"First of all, I'm bisexual. So I could have a boyfriend too." I say with sass. Futo giggles a little as he adjusts his glasses. He got glasses just this summer. Last year during science club, he mixed a wrong combination of chemicals and it blew up in his face, and it kinda messed up his eyesight. He came back this year, saying everything was a little blurry. Next day, he comes in with glasses. "And second, I'm only talking with Futo. We're just talking! Nothing sus going on. So just go see Mahiru." I shoo her away. She, annoyed, groans loudly and walks to her friend. Futo and I continue to talk.

"I'm thinking about joining a different club this year. But I'm not really sure what club I should do." Futo tells me.

"Hmmmmmm well, what do you like to do?" I ask as I put my arms behind my head.

"Well, all sorts of things. I like to draw, and cook, ooh, and I like to act. Y'know, put on a play. But I don't think I can be in two clubs at once. Can I?" He explains.

"Nah I don't think you can." I say as I shake my head. "I know! Try something different! What's something you haven't done?"

"Well, there's the occult club. But, that looks a little crazy hahah. Umm, there's the gardening club. But, that doesn't really interest me." Futo says as he shrugs. "And, I always have wanted to join martial arts. That looks fun."

"Then go ahead! You'd be great at it!" I grin wide.

"You really think so? I'd probably end up hurting myself or messing up heheh. I'm pretty accident prone and I always mess up." Futo says embarrassed.

"Nah! You'll be fine! Nee-heehee!" I say. Futo smiles again. "Wanna go sign up now?"

"Like, right now? Am I able to?" Futo questions as he messes with his hair.

"Heck yeah! You'll probably get to spar a little too. Let's go!" I say determined. I stand up and lead Futo to the martial arts club. There, we see some people sparing with each other, and we see the club leader, Budo Masuta. "That's Budo. The leader of the club." Futo walks over to him.

"Welcome to the martial arts club. What brings you here?" Budo says with a proud voice.

"Um, m-may I join the martial arts club? I'd like to learn as much as I can." Futo says a bit timidly.

"Of course you can! Consider yourself a member of the martial arts club. All we ask is that you show up at least once a week." Budo announces as he ties a headband on Futo's head. He walks back.

"I guess I'm in the club now." He says with a timid but happy grin. I give a couple of claps.

"Why don't you go practice? I'd love to watch!" I say excited.

"Really? I, don't really know much." Futo says.

"Well, you did only just join. I'm sure Budo can teach you a few moves right now before you do anything too advanced. Go talk to him about it!" I say as we walk back in to talk to Budo.

"Uh, Budo? Would it be possible if I could practice a bit? Now?" Futo asks politely.

"Sure! Go get your karategi on and let's begin." Budo says. Futo nods and goes into a little shed thingy. He comes back out wearing that white uniform and belt. He comes back to Budo. "Let's start out easy. You will spar with Mina Rai." Futo and another member get in the center of the room. The girl pulls out a baton. Futo doesn't have one.

"Uh, w-what do I do now?- NAH!-" Futo began to say. Mina had already started, and made her first move and swung her baton. I guess it kinda startled Futo. He ducked before it hit him, but he came back up, and Mina swung again. This time the baton hit Futo's shoulder. It caused him to step back a little, but it didn't look like it really hurt him. They both get back into a stance, Mina looking focused, and Futo looking terrified.

"Try to catch her baton, Young Domo." Budo Announced. "Defeat is only a state of mind." Futo nodded, and Mina swung again. This time, Futo caught her baton with his left hand.

"I-I did it- y-yay." Futo says with a slightly nervous smile. He looks to me, and I hold a thumbs up. Before Futo could even look back to his opponent, she shoves his chest with her hand. Futo stumbles back a bit, and he let go of Mina's baton. "Oh no..I lost it again."

"Never give up Young Domo. Try again, and this time try and shove her back before she does to you." Budo says with motivation. Futo nodded. Mina swung her baton, and more confidently, Futo caught it. He then pushed Mina back, and, it actually felt like he knew what he had to do next. He then kinda kneed her in the stomach, causing her to drop the baton. "Very good Domo. You are learning fast." Futo smiles at Budo. Mina bends down to pick up her baton.

"Here. Let me get it for you." Futo says to her. "I-I'm sorry if I hurt you.." He looks down a little sorrowfully as he handed her the blue baton.

"Oh, thank you. You didn't hurt me though. That's what martial arts it for. To learn self defense." Mina says with a confident smile. "You did really good for your first time. Maybe we can spar again later." Her smile grew, as she went to spar another opponent. Futo then walked back to me.

"Kokichi I did it! I did my first sparing match!" Futo says excited. "And I didn't really get hurt."

"That's great! You're getting the hang of it already!" We talk a little longer, then the class bell rings. Futo then goes to change back into his clothes, and we head to class.

"Bye Kokichi! I'll see you at lunch right?" Futo says as he gets to his class.

"Yup! See ya then!" I say as I wave goodbye. Futo enters his classroom, and I go to mine. It definitely feels great to be back and it feels great to have everything normal again.

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