Where's Ouma-Kun?

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It's that same afternoon. It's the end of school. I'm walking through the building, searching for Ouma-kun. He told me he wanted to meet up together and have a little chat. I was nervous, yet kinda excited. But mostly awkward and nervous. Well, I'm looking all around for him, and, he's nowhere in sight.

"..where did he go?.." I question myself. I shake my head, and keep on searching. After about ten more minutes, I still can't find him. I'm getting a little worried. "..maybe he..forgot?" I get outside the school, and just stand against the wall. I look to my right, and I see Kiibo walking towards me. "..hey, Kiibo, have you seen Ouma-kun?" Kiibo nods.

"He was dismissed early.. his brother came and picked him up." Kiibo says. I look at him a little stunned, then disappointed.

"Why did he have to go?.." I ask sadly.

"Some trouble with another one of his brothers.." Kiibo explains.

"Oh.." I say. Kiibo and I talk a little while longer. I then leave to my own home.

Kokichi's POV

It's after school. I'm not there, cuz I was picked up early. It was, strange and unexpected. I was in class, when the security guard came by and said I was being dismissed. I went down to the lobby, and, I saw Hajime. He was practically crying. I got down, and he rushed me into his car.

"Haj, what's wrong?" I asked.

"We have to get to the hospital..Rantaro was in a car accident." Hajime said to me worriedly. I gasped. Well, Hajime and I are still in the car. We're almost at the hospital.

"..I-is Rantaro ok?.." I ask with worry.

"I'm not so sure.. I got a call from the hospital, saying that he was in a car accident..he was unconscious when they found him.." Hajime replies with a shaky voice. By now, I'm trembling, and almost crying. My heart is beating fast inside my chest. Hajime pulls up into a parking spot, and we rush out of the car into the hospital. We get to the front desk. "May we see Rantaro Ouma? Please? (That's their last names in this) he's our brother." The lady at the desk nods her head, and tells us where Rantaro's room is. "Kokichi, tell Hiyoko that we won't be home for a while." I nod, and continue walking. I'm practically crying at this point.

"Is he going to be ok?" I ask. My voice is choked up. We get inside the elevator to go up to the 3rd floor. Hajime pulls me close to him, and rubs my head and shoulder. I begin to cry.

"He'll be alright..the doctors are taking great care of him.." Hajime reassures me. I turn, and bawl into his waist. He hugs me, and tries to calm me. We eventually get to the third floor. We walk down the hall to Rantaro's hospital room. We find it, and Hajime knocks on the door. He puts his ear to the door, to try and hear for a response. He can faintly hear a 'come in' from someone. He opens the door slowly. I peek inside. We see Rantaro laying in the bed, with his eyes closed. He's asleep, it looks like. There's a tube on his face, just below his nose, and a bunch of tubes attached to his arms. His right arm is wrapped in bandages. Hajime and I enter the room slowly. "Hey, buddy..how are you feeling?.." Rantaro opens his eyes a little. He smiles faintly.

"..h-Hey, guys.." Rantaro says weakly. Hajime and I walk over to Rantaro. I'm glad he's awake, but it pains me to see him in pain like this. I look at his face. The look of pain and misery in his eyes, it just broke me. I burry my face in my hands, and bawl. Hajime pulls me close to him. "..h-hey..Kokichi, What's wrong?..here..come here." I let go of Hajime, and walk closer to Rantaro. He holds his arms out, and goes to embrace me. He hugs me softly, and puts a hand on the back of my head. "It's alright..I'm ok..it's ok." Rantaro lets go of me, and looks at my face. He dries my tears with his hand. He then hugs me again, and kisses my head.

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