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(Author's note: Hello lovely readers! I apologize that this chapter also took a little longer to finish than expected. Recently, I started working on a South Park Craig Tucker x Tweek Tweak story, "The Wristwatch", which now have 4 chapters already posted! It would mean so much to check that out real quick. But I have some more ideas and some more content on this story for you all! I hope you enjoy the story!)

Class is over now. I exit my classroom and walk downstairs to Futo's classroom to go get him and walk with him for lunch. I stand outside the classroom and wait for him. The students exit the classroom, but I don't see Futo. Shuichi exits the room, and sees me.

"Oh..h-hi Ouma-kun.." He greets me quietly.

"Hey Shuichi!" I say back. We both stand there quietly as we wait for Futo. "..What's taking him so long?"

"I'm not sure.." Shuichi responds. We wait a little longer. Then, five girls walk into the classroom. But, they're not in that class. I think to myself why they're there. Suddenly, I hear laughing. Those girls are laughing. But, what are they laughing at? I decide to look inside the room to see what's up. I give a shocked expression. I see Futo sitting a his desk, and those girls are around him, laughing at him. One of the girls, Musume Ronshaku, has a water bottle, which she opens and dumps, all over Futo's head.

"Gh!- w-why are you doing this?.." Futo says timidly. He's soaking wet now, and it looks like he's shivering a little.

"Because you look sooo stupid right now ahahaha!" Musume cackles. Why the hell are they bullying him like that? I step in the room to put a stop to this.

"Hey! Leave him alone! Why don't you lay off?" I say. The five girls turn to me.

"Ugh! What a mood killer!" One of the girls say with an attitude. Laughing, the bullies then leave. Shuichi and I walk over to Futo's desk.

"Th-thanks Kokichi.." Futo says as he makes a small smile. He wrings out his wet hair.

"No problem dude. Why were they bullying you like that?" I respond.

"I-I'm not sure..but, they've been doing it a lot recently.." Futo says with a bit of embarrassment. It also sounded like he was holding back on saying something. Like he knew something and he didn't want anyone to know.

"How long have they been bullying you?.." Shuichi asks. Futo wrings his hair out some more.

"..a-about two weeks now.." Futo replies.

"Woah two weeks?! That's crazy!" I say aghast. Futo stands up and grabs his belongings.

"Yeah..I, have no idea why they're doing that.." Futo shrugs. It, still seems like he's hiding something. Maybe he, knows what's going on? What if he knows why those girls are harassing him, and that blackmailed him or something. I'm pretty curious now. I'll ask him about that later. "I should probably go change and fix my hair.. I'll join you guys on the rooftop as soon as I'm done." Futo takes his glasses off and dries them.

"Yeahhh it probably wouldn't be very comfortable to be in wet clothes all day." I shake my head. Futo stifled a chuckle. "Well, we'll be on the roof! See ya when you're done!" Futo nods, and heads on to the bathhouse. Shuichi and I headed to the rooftop, and sat on a bench and started to eat our lunch. Shuichi and I didn't really talk much. Things are still a little awkward now that we started talking to each other again after what happened before. But we're both trying to put that all behind us. It's, a little difficult for me to forget what happened. But I'm trying my best to not let that get to me. "...sooo how's class been going so far?"

"Oh..u-um, it's going alright..what about your classes?" Shuichi asked me back as he ate some of his avocado roll.

"It's great! Well, I mean, it's nothing new now from like 2 months in. I mean, everyone still asks about uh.. you know, what happened between us.. and, they ask if we're still in contact with each other." I got a little uncomfortable, but I tried to keep my composure.

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