Kokichi's Family

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Kokichi's POV

it's after school. I'm still not really feeling all that well, so I decide to make myself something to eat. I make myself a large bowl of rice, and I have a little container of sweet bread that I got from my trip to Spain. I also make myself some hot coffee. I sit in my sofa, wrapped in a blanket. I also have some headache medicine with me. Before I get comfortable, I go into my bathroom, and reach up into the cabinet, and grab a small thermometer. I look at it, and question myself: was the nurse telling the truth? Or did she just not want me to leave?... anyway, I take the thermometer, and take my temperature. Once the thermometer gets my temperature, I look at it. It reads 101.5

"Dang it... so she 'was' lying..." I say to myself annoyed. I then put the thermometer back in the cabinet, and I sit back down on the sofa. Once I sit back down, I hear my door open. It's my older brother, Rantaro.

"Hey, Kokichi." He says to me. He walks over to me and sits down beside me. He pats my head.

"Heh, hey. How was school?" I ask Rantaro. He is going to college. He's close, so he doesn't have to stay in a dorm.

"It was alright. How about you?" Rantaro says.

"It was ok, I guess. Although, I didn't really feel well. Well, I still don't." I say. I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh... well, did you throw up at all?" Rantaro asks.

"No. But I do feel a bit nauseous." I say. "I only have a fever." Rantaro places the back of his hand on my forehead gently.

"Yeah. You feel warm. Did you go to the nurse? What did she say?" Rantaro questions.

"She lied to me... she said I only had a 99 fever. And she didn't send me home. But just before you came in, I checked my temperature again. I have a fever of 101.5..." I say. I look down. I pretend to be over-dramatically sad. I start to fake weep.

"Heh. Aw, poor Kokichi." Rantaro says with a sympathetic smile. He pats my head again. We laugh a bit, and then we sit on the sofa together and relax. About an hour later, the door opens again. It's my little sister, Hiyoko.

"Kokichiiiiii!!" She cries out to me.

"Ah... Hiyoko, what is it?" I say as I put my hand on my head. I hold my head a bit, cuz she's yelling, and I have a headache. Rantaro notices, and rubs my back a bit.

"Hiyoko, please be quiet. Your brother has a headache.." Rantaro says.

"But he needs to help me with my homework!! Algebra is so haaaaaard!!" She yells. I hold my head more, and bring my knees close to my chest.

"Hiyoko, can't it wait? Kokichi isn't feeling well.." Rantaro says. He frowns a little bit, and rubs my head gently to calm down my headache.

"No, it can't!! My teacher said he wants it next Wednesday!! I have to get it done now, so I can go to Mahiru's house!! Kokichi, you have to do my homework!!" Hiyoko yells. She walks over to us. "Hello!? Are you listening to me!?" She knocks on my head.

"Stop!... stop that! That hurts!..." I say to her.

"What, you have a headache!? Get up and help me!!" She yells in my face. I squint my eyes in pain.

"Hiyoko, that's enough. If you don't stop, no one is going to help you, and you're not going to Mahiru's. Now stop yelling. Your brother doesn't feel well." Rantaro says to Hiyoko firmly.

"Ugh!! Fine!!" She yells. She walks off into her room. She slams the door.

"...are you alright, Ko?..." Rantaro asks me.

"Y-yeah... Ugh, but my head... I feel like I have a concussion now..." I moan painfully. Rantaro lays me down on my back, and he gets a heat pack, and puts it on my neck. He massages my head and neck. "...o-ouch..." I moan.

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