Back to school

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It's the next morning. I'm just waking up. I sit up, and yawn a bit. I stretch a little, and walk out to the living room. Rantaro is sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee.

"Hey, Rantaro.." I mumble. I yawn and sit beside him. I look at the time. It's 10:14

"Hey, Kokichi. How are you feeling? Any better?" Rantaro asks me with a smile. He wraps his arm around me.

"Better.. uh.. don't I have school today?.." I ask.

"Yes. Hajime told me to let you sleep in. Just so you would have more time to rest." Rantaro says.

"Oh. Ok." I say. I yawn again, and sit down beside Rantaro.

"Ok.. how about we sit till 10:45, then you can start getting ready. Oh, and, before you get comfortable, Hajime told me to check your temperature again." Rantaro says. He yawns.

"Ok. I'll go get the thermometer then." I say. I get up, and head to the bathroom. I reach up into the cabinet and get the thermometer. I take out my phone, and yawn a bit. I sit back down.

"Ok. Let's see if your fever's down." Rantaro says with a little smile. He chuckles a bit, and puts his hand on my shoulder. He puts he thermometer in my mouth, and we wait a bit. After a bit, the thermometer beeps a little. Rantaro takes it out of my mouth. I yawn a bit. "Hm.. 100.1.."

"Can I go to school?.. am I good now?" I ask. I make a cat face. Rantaro Laughs, and holds me close to him.

"Heheh. Yes. Well, if you really feel alright, then yes." Rantaro says with a smile.

"But I 'do' feel better! Well, my head feels a little weird, aaaaaand, I feel kinda hungry." I say. "Can we go to your café before we go to school? Pleeeeeease?" I look up at Rantaro with the cute eyes- something he always falls for when I do it.

"Heheheh, ok.. we'll go to my café." Rantaro says. He smiles, and kisses my head. We laugh a bit, and we relax some more. I put back the thermometer, and go sit back down. Time goes by since then. It's now 10:40. I'm getting ready for school.

Shuichi's POV

It's around 10:45, and I'm sitting in class, listening to Sensei teach. I'm daydreaming, and worrying about Ouma-kun. He's not in school. I assume he is still sick. The more I think about him, the more I worry. Sensei soon notices.

"Saihara?.. what's wrong?" She asks.

"Huh?.. n-nothing.. I'm fine..." I say.

"You look upset.. tell me what's wrong." She says. She walks to me, and quietly asks me to to into the hall. Her and I go in the hall and talk. "Ok.. Saihara, you're not in trouble, I just want to talk.."

"..I'm fine..." I say as I stare at the floor.

"You look upset.. you look like you're worrying about something. Tell me." She says kindly. I don't really mind telling her about Ouma-kun. Except that I love him. And, if I told her, she would know I'm gay.

"...well.. I.. I still kinda feel-" I start to say.

"Sick?.. are you seriously coming to school sick?.." Sensei scolds.

"No.. I, Well, my fever went down.. so I'm not really sick.. but, just.. my stomach feels a little weird.." I lie. Well, my fever 'did' go down. But I feel fine.

"Really?.. you're being serious, right?.." She says. I nod.

"Sensei, I'm fine.." I say. I cross my arms, and sigh.

"Ok.. well, back in class.. if you start to feel sick again, just go to the nurse." She says. We both get back in class. I sit back down, and daydream about Ouma-kun some more.

Kokichi's POV

Rantaro and I are driving to school now. We just went to his café, and we got some coffee, and cupcakes. We get to school, and we walk in. Rantaro comes in with me, so he can say his final farewells to me.

"Ok. Have a good day." He says with a smile. He hugs me, and ruffles my hair. "If you need anything, just call me or Haj."

"Ok. But, won't you be in class?.." I ask.

"Oh, it's fine. They said if a family member or friend has a medical problem or emergency, we can tend to them." Rantaro explains. "Ok. I got to go now. Goodbye." He says goodbye once again, and leaves. I head to class.

Shuichi's POV

I'm still sitting in class, worrying and thinking about Kokichi. I'm looking at the doorway.

", please come to school... I miss you..." I say quietly to myself. Before I know it, I see Kokichi waking pass my classroom with his books in his arms, and an iced latte in his tiny cute hand. And a small paper bag on top of his books. He's looking in the direction into my classroom. He sees me.

"Hi, Shuichi!.." he greets me quietly. I wave back blankly. Ouma-kun giggles. He looks around a bit, then walks into my classroom. "Hey."

"O-ouma, what are you doing here?.. s-shouldn't you be in class?.." I ask skittishly.

"Yeah, I know. Heh. I just came to see you. And to give you something." He says. He gives me something from the paper bag. It's a small container. "I got it for you. I, was thinking about you while you were sick yesterday.." He has a little smile. "I, notice you sometimes.. at lunch.. you're often alone.. soooo, I wanted to ask if we could be friends."

"H-Huh?.. friends?.. you and, me?" I question with a horrible blush. Kokichi nods his little head. I smile. "O-ok.." Sensei then tell Ouma-kun to get to his own classroom. He walks to his class, smiling. I smile more. I open the container. It's a chocolate cupcake. And it has a note on the inside of the container. I read it:

'To my dear Shuichi Saihara: I've been feeling something about you: something magical. Something wondrous. I wish to expand my friendship horizon to you.'
                                                 - Kokichi Ouma
When I read that, I almost cried. I didn't even think he cared about me. We went on with class, until the lunch bell rang. I got up, and headed towards the door. I then see a young boy, who, for some reason looks like some kind of robot. He's talking to Ouma-kun. The boy then stops talking, and the two part ways. The boy walks to me.

"Hello.. Shuichi.." He says.

"Who are you?.. and why were you talking to Kokichi?.." I ask cautiously.

"Relax.. I want to help you obtain his love, and eliminate your rivals who are trying to take him.. I've noticed you've done part of the job already.. my name is K1-B0.. but you can call me Kiibo.." he says. He explains how he will help me, then we part ways. I search for Ouma-kun.

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