Slow and Painful

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"...hmm...what should I do with you now?" Shuichi says. Weakly, I glance up at him. My head is still throbbing. What did he hit me with?

"P-please..please let me go..I-I won't tell anyone..I-I promise.." I say weakly. Shuichi holds the knife to my throat again. "Gh...
h-hh..." I begin to start hyperventilating. A tear or two roll down my cheeks.

"I can't risk it..but I know you won't tell anyone...because I'll force you not to will not remember..." Shuichi says. His voice is beginning to have a monotone sound. His voice is sounding a lot like he's hypnotized or something. Shuichi then takes the knife away.

"Please...I-I wanna go home...I-I miss my brothers and sister...p-please..." I say. I start bawling. Shuichi just looks at me with a demonic grin.

"Oh Kokichi...I can't bare to see you cry...I know how to make you feel better." He says. "...kiss me..." I look up at Shuichi.

"W-what?..." I stutter.

"You heard me..." He says. He comes really close to me. He holds the knife in one hand, and grabs the back of my neck with the other. "...go ahead...I won't bite..." Shuichi grins wider, and his eyes seem to glow. I don't want to kiss him. That's kinda weird. Well, as I cringe, slowly I start to lean in towards his face. Shuichi can't seem to wait any longer, so, he just goes in and kisses me. I don't like the feeling of this. But it's distracting me from the stab wounds in my shoulder and thigh. Well, I still don't like the feeling of this. I try to take my lips away from Shuichi. But he goes and stabs my forearm. I make a loud moan which turns into crying. Shuichi stops for a moment. "That's What I like to hear...There's your sweet spot..." he then kisses me again. He begins to bite my bottom lip. I moan a few times, in a way to tell him to stop. My moans aren't really 'sexual' or anything, but more afraid and hesitant. But Shuichi seems to think I like it. He moves his hand from my neck to my shoulder, in a slow movement. He then moves his lips to my neck, and begins to bite down.

"S-stop it!.. p-please!.." I plead. Shuichi lifts his head.

"But were having fun, aren't we?..." He says. I shake my head rapidly. "Oh..what a shame..." he takes my wrist, and flips my hand so that my palm is facing up. He stabs the middle of my hand. The knife almost goes completely through my hand.

"GAHHH!!" I yelp in pain. Shuichi then rips the knife out of my hand. Blood gushes out. Shuichi then goes back to biting on my neck. When will it stop? This is making me uncomfortable.

Two days later...

Rantaro's POV

It's been three days since Kokichi went missing. It's the middle of the day, around 1:00pm. I'm at college. I was given the 'ok' by Futo to go back to class. I didn't want to go, but I've already missed so much work. But I'm really out of it. Kokichi is still missing, and we've heard from no one about him. The police asked kids in Kokichi's school if they'd seen him near when he went missing. They asked Shuichi, that boy that stabbed Futo and Hajime, and he said he has only seen him at school before his disappearance. But he said he's been home ever since then. The police said that Shuichi was very upset about Kokichi's disappearance. Personally, I find that hard to believe. Well, I'm in class, and we are doing a little project. We have assigned groups, and within our groups, we have to practice scenarios where a patient comes to a medical center for certain reasons. One person is a nurse, one a doctor, and one or two a patient. I get the roll as the patient. My group wanted me to be the doctor, because I already am one. But I got the patient. The scenario is that I'm coming to the medical center because I am ill. I'm coming to see the doctor, because I have a high body temperature, fatigue, congestion, and sore throat. The two other people in my group have to diagnose the issue. We begin our session. Now, in these little projects, we really have to act it out. I'm sitting on one of the desks, as our 'nurse' begins to examine me.

"Alright, Rantaro. So first I will just check your blood pressure, and I will record your temperature." Our nurse Taro Kuno says to me.

Taro Kuno (sorry my art is so bad lol)

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Taro Kuno (sorry my art is so bad lol)

I just nod my head. I'm silent, and out of it. I'm just sitting still, staring at the ground. Taro notices that I'm a little out of it. He just takes it as my acting. He then goes to record my blood pressure. He uses the real instruments that we use in hospitals. So he can actually hear the blood moving through my body. We have a few of the real instruments. Well, he notices that my blood pressure is a little low.

"Hm..your blood pressure seems to be a little low, ok?" Taro says. He looks at me. I'm still looking at the ground.

" is?..." I say quietly. Taro looks at me confused. He thinks that I'm a little upset because of my previous injury from the car accident. Well, we keep going. After a few moments, our 'doctor' Kiyotaka Ishimaru, is concluding the examination.

"Alright Rantaro. Now, I'm going to just listen to your heart and lungs ok?" He says. I just nod blankly. Ishimaru goes to listen to my heart and lungs, and concludes the examination. "So, it seems that you have the flu." After he said that, I just, burst into tears. Ishimaru and Taro are extremely confused.

"Bud, what's the matter?..are you upset with the diagnosis..?" Taro asks. I shake my head, and dry my eyes.

"N-no...m-my brother is missing...he's been kidnapped..." I sputter with a trembling voice. Taro looks at me sympathetically. He pats my shoulder gently and comforts me. This is the first outbreak I've had in class. Not even crying. I've done some other things, but nothing like right now. I just want Kokichi to be safe...I'm so afraid...

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