It's Getting Worse

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It's been 5 days since Shuichi kidnapped me. He's tortured and stabbed me every day. But he always patched up the bad wounds to keep me from bleeding out. Does he want me to die or not? I don't understand. It's like he's a cat and I'm a wounded mouse. He won't kill it, but will keep batting it around. It's like I'm his puppet or something. He's playing with me. These few days, I can't tell if he's being serious, and when he's toying with me. (Quote- Shuichi Saihara~ Danganronpa V3) well, Shuichi has tortured me and tortured me, and keeps torturing me. I'm out of the chair, but he chained me to the ceiling by my wrists. I'm just dangling. I really am his puppet. I'm asleep at the moment. I'm exhausted. I've been crying and in pain for so long now. Shuichi comes down into his basement. He sees my eyes closed. All of a sudden, I feel something hard hit my side. I wake up instantly.

"Gah!!" I moan. "W-what is that?" Shuichi has a metal pipe. He hit me in the ribs with it.

"I'm going out to school." Shuichi says. He then takes a key, and unlocks the chains on my wrists. I fall to the ground. There's nothing that's chaining me in the basement. I could just dash right out right now. But I'm too weak to even move my posture. Shuichi notices that I'm really pale. Also too weak to move. "Kokichi, are you tired? you need another kiss?"

"" I mumble. Shuichi doesn't listen to me, and goes all over me, and kisses me. I moan a few short times in a way to tell him to stop. But he keeps kissing me for a while. Eventually he stops. He stands back up.

"I'm going to need you to write something for me when I get home. But first I will go to school. I'll give you food. But I will tie you to the chair." Shuichi says.

"H-how will able..t-to eat?.." I mumble weakly.

"Silly Kokichi.. don't ask such dumb questions. I'll simply tie you by the waist. And if you don't eat, you know what happens." Shuichi says. Shuichi often gives me food. Not too often though. But he'll give me food. And when I refuse to eat, he stabs me. One time he hit me in the head with the metal pipe. Knocked me out unconscious. I woke up, and my head was bleeding. I'm pretty sure he gave me a concussion. Well, Shuichi bounds me to the chair with rope. He puts a small table in front of me, and he puts food in front of me. He gives me miso soup, rice, steamed vegetables, and two glasses of water. "Now I want at least half of it gone by the time I get back. And, don't worry. I'll tell all of your friends you're safe.

"..I-I wanna see m-my brothers...please...I-I really miss them..." I mumble weakly. Shuichi chuckles, then leaves the room. I just sit there and start crying. I just want to go home...

Hajime's POV

It's around three o'clock now. I'm at my office job, working. It's about 4 hours until the end of my shift. I'm typing on my computer, and every now and then I will print my documents. But I'm extremely worried about Kokichi. I haven't been able to focus on my work. I've been so scatterbrained confused most of the time. I've been a little behind on my work. My manager seems to have noticed. I'm at my desk typing, when, my manager comes by.

"Hajime, I, would like to have a private conversation with you in my office please." He says. I look up at him, and nod my head. I get up, and I follow him into his office. "Now, you're not in any kind of trouble. I've noticed that you have been falling behind in your work the past few days. You're still getting things in on time, and I know you have said your brother was in a car accident and you needed to fill in for his job, but, I've noticed you've been falling behind in your work. Is there a reason other than what has been going on recently?" He's talking to me calmly. He can see it on my face that I'm not happy.

"..w-Well, um..I-it's a long story..but, my little brother Kokichi..he..he was kidnapped a few days and his brother and sister have been really really worried.." I say. I'm thinking about Kokichi, and, I'm starting to cry. I don't know what's going on. I quickly dry my eyes.

"Oh..I'm so sorry, Hajime..well, I've heard what I need to..I hope he comes home soon.. now, why don't you take the rest of the day off..get some rest, ok?" My manager says. I nod my head, and stand. My manager pats my shoulder. I then go home.

Kokichi's POV

It's late now. Around 9:00pm. I'm down in the basement, still strapped to the chair. I haven't seen Shuichi all day, except when he came down to give me food. Well, after all day, Shuichi comes down to the basement. Weakly I look up. He has a piece of paper, and a pen. He walks to me.

"Kokichi, I have a task for you." He says. I just look at him. "I need you to write a letter."

"..w-why can't you do it yourself?.." I ask weakly. Shuichi holds a metal pipe in his hand, ready to hit me. I brace myself for the impact. "Gh..." he lowers the pipe.

"'s a letter to your brothers." He says. I gasp and look at him. "But you must write what I say." I nod my head. Shuichi puts the pen and paper on the table in front of me. I pick up the pen, and Shuichi begins to tell me what to write. My hand trembles. "You Will write, 'dear brothers, I know you are worried about me, but there is no need to be. I am perfectly safe here. I have been given all the necessary things I need. But I miss you. I wonder when I will get to go home. That is all for now, signed Kokichi'" I wrote what Shuichi said, and I put the pen down. There was a little blood on the letter, because of my hand. Shuichi had stabbed it earlier. Well, there was a drop or two of my blood. Shuichi takes the letter, and reads it over to be sure I wrote the right thing. He approved, and put the letter in an envelope. "I will return shortly." I nod wearily, and Shuichi leaves.

Rantaro's POV

It's late. It's almost 10:00pm. Hajime and I are sitting on the sofa together. We are enjoying some hot cocoa, and pastries. Also, a bit of vodka. Haj went home early from work today because he wasn't doing so good at work. He said he and his manager had a talk, and he said he really missed Kokichi. He told his manager what happened, and he sent Haj home to rest. Well we are sitting, and relaxing. All of a sudden we hear knocking on the door. Then, an envelope is slipped under the door. Hajime gets up to look at it. I hear him gasp.

"'s a letter from Kokichi." He says. I gasp myself. Hajime opens the envelope, as sits back down. We read the letter together. Kokichi says that he's perfectly safe where he is at. But he misses us. Haj and I start to tear up.

"Wait..i-is that, his blood?.." I point out. There's two little drops of blood on the letter. I think it's Kokichi's. It's his handwriting, so he's the one who wrote the letter. I don't think Kokichi is safe...

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