I Love Him

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It's a breezy fall morning at Hope's Peak Academy. Class hasn't started yet, so I'm just waking around aimlessly in the courtyard. I don't really have many friends, and there's so many people here. I don't really talk to them. So, I just like to walk around. I'm passing through the courtyard, and I pass all of my peers. They're all talking in groups. I don't really like talking to them, so I just pass along. I'm looking down, as to not to make eye contact with anyone. I'm about to pass the fountain. I look up, just so I make sure I don't hit it.

"*gasp* there he is. Oh... u-um..." I say to myself. When I looked up at the fountain, I saw young Kokichi Ouma sitting on the fountain, reading a book. He's all alone. I want to talk to him. I'm a bit nervous. "Um... h-hi..." I quiver. He looks up from his book.

"Um... hello..." He says. He's looking at me confused. "...what's up with him?..." He says to himself. I'm not acting right. I'm shaking pretty bad, and I'm blushing a lot. "...that boy is, kinda weird..." he says to himself again. "Um, are you just going to stand there?" He asks me.

"H-Huh? Oh..." I go.

"If you are, then, please go somewhere else." He says to me.

"Oh... alright..." I say. I walk away from Ouma. "...I think I made him upset..." I say to myself. I feel bad, but I just let it go, and walk away. I knew he would be questioning me. I love him. But, talking to him makes me nervous. The class bell rings, and everyone goes to their class. Ouma-kun is not in my class.

"Alright. Open up your textbooks to chapter twelve, and read the first five pages. I will be right back." The sensei says. She leaves the room, and we start reading. I read silently to myself, daydreaming about Ouma-kun.

"Oh! Hey, Ouma." A girl says. I look up sharply, and see a girl and Ouma-kun in the doorway of the classroom. I gasp a little at the sight of the girl, Kaede Akamatsu, putting her hands on Ouma's shoulders. They talk a little, and, I can hear Ouma laugh lightly. I then hear Ouma-kun say he must leave, and he leaves the hall. Kaede also leaves, and heads down the hall. I'm shocked.

"Don't you touch my Ouma-kun... he's mine... you'll get it... you'll get this..." I say angrily to myself. I get up, and walk out of the class. I follow Kaede. I jog a little to get up behind her. I look around, and see if anyone is near. I reach into my pocket very quickly...

"!? Nah!!" Kaede screams. She falls to the ground. I felt her blood splatter on my face. I reach down stealthily, and take out the bloody screwdriver from her neck. I drag her body into the sewing club room. Luckily, no one is ever in there, and no one was near to witness the murder. I walk out, and close the door. I search quickly for a nearby restroom. I go in, and wash myself off. I finish washing myself, and I peek into the mirror. My eyes are cold and hard with murder. I'm twitching, and my face is cold and dark. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"...hmhmhmhm...heheheh.. hahahahah!..." I laugh. I'm calm after I laugh a little bit.

"Huh?... What was that noise?..." I hear someone say. I hide in a bathroom stall. I peek through the cracks in the door. I can see a young boy, Leon Kuwata, walk in. "Meh. It was probably nothing." He says. He walks into the stall next me. I quietly walk out, and turn off the lights. "H-Hey! Turn the lights on!" He yells. I then take the screwdriver out of my pocket, and unscrew the light cover. I then notice a bucket of water. I decide to dump it on Leon. I stand on a stack of buckets next to his stall, and dump the water on him. "Ggh!! H-Hey! Why'd you do that!?" He yells. I hide myself, and wait for him to come out. "Ugh... it's so dark in here... where's that stupid light?" He says. He goes to turn the switch. "!? Uuagghhhhh!!!" He screams. I watch with cold eyes as Leon gets electrocuted. He then just falls to his back. I walk over to him, and drag his body into a stall. I then walk back to class.

"Where in the world were you!? You missed almost the entire class!" Sensei says to me.

"Sorry, Sensei... I don't really feel well..." I say. That was obviously a lie. I feel fine. The lunch bell rings, and the students head to the courtyard. I begin to walk.

"Hold it right there, Saihara." Sensei says. "Were you in the nurse's office the whole time? Or the restroom?" She asks me.

"Restroom, Sensei.." I say.

"You don't feel well?" She questions me. She looks at me. "You look fine to me. Now, go to lunch. If you still don't feel well, go to the nurse." She says. I walk off the to courtyard. I'm just walking around aimlessly again.

"....." I'm silent. I sit down at a bench near the side of the school. I'm all alone. I see Ouma-kun sitting at the fountain again. "...I love you... I want you... you mean more to me than anything... I really hope someday you know... how I feel..." I say to myself. I just sit, and stare at Ouma-kun.

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