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It's been another two days at Shuichi's. I was so close to going home. I saw Rantaro, and he saw me. But Shuichi chased him away. When Shuichi came in the house after that, he dragged me by the neck into his bedroom. For all I can remember, he hit me in the head with a metal pipe again. I went unconscious from it. I can't remember what happened before or after that. It's like I have amnesia or something. Well, now I'm sitting in Shuichi's living room. I'm laying down on the sofa half asleep. I'm resting somewhat peacefully aside from the pain from my wounds. I can hear some footsteps. It's Shuichi coming into the living room. Im pretending to be fully asleep, but I can still hear everything. As the footsteps get louder, he gets closer, and my heart pounds harder. He comes into the living room and stands beside me.

"Ouma-kun, I'm heading out to school. But first I must do something with you." He says. I don't move a muscle. I don't respond or anything, or even flinch my eyes. "..Ouma did you hear me?..Kokichi.. Hey..!" I'm still not moving. Shuichi thinks I'm dead or in a coma or something. He looks down at me again, and takes my hand. He tries to feel a pulse in my wrist. He can feel it, then puts my arm down. "..HEY!!" Startled, I wake up immediately, and fall off the sofa. Once again, something in my back cracks.

"O-ouch! W-what was that?..w-what do you want?..p-please don't hurt me.." I say. Shakily, I stand up, and gets back on the sofa. Shuichi cackles.

"You're hilarious. Well, I'm heading out to school. But first, I want to do something with you." He says. He then goes into the kitchen for something. I wait for him. He comes back with a syringe. Is full of some kind of liquid. "Give me your arm."

"What? Y-you're going to inject me?..w-what is that?" I ask frightened.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Your little friend Domo gave it to me. Now give me your arm. Right now." Shuichi says more strict. Shakily, I lift my right arm. He grabs it, and pulls down the sleeve from my shoulder. He then sticks the needle of the syringe into my shoulder, and injects that stuff into me. I groan with pain. He takes the needle out of my shoulder.

"W-what was that?.." I mumble.

"Something to make you forget." Shuichi says as he gets his school belongings.

"Forget?..forget what?.." I ask.

"You'll see. Goodbye Ouma-kun." Shuichi says. He walks out of the door. I sigh, and lay back down. I try and fall back asleep.

Futo's POV

It's the middle of class time. I just asked my Sensei if I could go out and use the restroom. I get out of the classroom, and I'm walking down the hallway. Things haven't been the same since Kokichi went missing. He's been missing for over 3 weeks. I miss him so much. And, the boy that stabbed me came up to me yesterday, and asked me for some drug. It's not drugs like heroin or anything like that. But it's something we use in the hospital. Sometimes, we'd give it to a patient, and the drug helps the patient forget a memory that caused them stress. So like if a patient was in a car crash, and months after the accident they start having trauma episodes, and it happens frequently, we'll give them the drug, and in a few hours, they'll forget about the accident. Well that boy asked me for a syringe full of it. He said it was for a family member of his who has a history of those kind of flashbacks. I said to him to bring them in, but he said that she couldn't even leave the house without being afraid. So I gave him a syringe full of it. Well, I'm walking in the hallways to the restroom. I'm thinking about Kokichi. He must be so scared and alone. The more I think about him, the more I feel upset. I begin to cry. I can't stop thinking about him, and how upset his brothers are. I cry even more. I just start having a breakdown in the middle of the hall. I hold myself, and slide down to the floor. I'm next to a classroom, and someone can hear me. It's the Sensei from that class. She peeks out of her room, and sees me. She walks next to me, and kneels beside me.

"Is everything ok?" She asks me calmly. "What's your name, sweetie?"

"..D-Domo..Domo Futo..y-yeah..I'm fine.." I murmur. I dry my eyes, and curl up. The Sensei puts her arm around me.

"Hm..I don't think so..if you're ok, then why are you crying? There's obviously something bothering you." She says.

" friend was kidnapped..h-he goes here..Kokichi Ouma." I say. Sensei nods her head.

"He's one of my students..we're all worried for him." She says. She rubs my back to comfort me. "Why don't I walk you to the guidance counselor. You can talk to him." I nod my head, and Sensei and I stand up and begin to walk.

Kokichi's POV

It's around 12:00. I woke up from sleeping a few minutes ago. Shuichi came back early from school. I don't know why. Well, he comes into the living room to check on me.

" do you feel?" He says.

"Kinda sore. How was school?" I say.

"Good..everyone misses you." Shuichi says.

"They doooo? I miss them too." I say. "But uh, what happened to me exactly?"

"Someone attacked you. I found you laying on the sidewalk unconscious. You were bleeding badly. I thought you were dead.. I kneeled down beside you. You weren't breathing or anything..I tried to feel a pulse in your wrist. After a while, I felt it, and I picked you up and took you here to my home. You've been here about a week. You were very delirious until today." Shuichi explains.

"Ooooohhhh. Ok. Well, thanks for saving me! That's so kind of you. But, I don't really remember anything." I say.

"Yeah I know. Well, why don't you just rest for now." Shuichi says. He hands me a cup of green tea.

"Thanks! Um, when will I get to go home?" I ask.

" a few days. I think I should take care of you here a little longer." Shuichi says.

"Um ok..but, my brother works in a hospital. He can take care of me. But it's kind of you to take care of me! Nee-heehee!" I say. Shuichi gives one chuckle. We talk some more and relax.

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