Second Chance

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(Author's Note: Hello to all of you lovely readers! I sincerely apologize for not being able to upload another chapter for such a long time. My schedule has been very cluttered with school and gymnastics and dance and tennis, and I frankly haven't had really any ideas for a new chapter. Also, I'm going to be starting a brand new fanfic! It's a South Park fan fiction that features the Creek ship (Tweek Tweak and Craig Tucker) I am really excited to be starting this, and starting other new stories featuring my OC's (and some of my friend's OC's too). But I'm happy to announce that I was able to come up with some more content for you all, and I have tweaked the previous few chapters a little to hopefully make the story more appealing and enjoyable. I hope you enjoy! Thank you!)

"...I, guess everyone deserves a second chance.." I say a little skeptically. "But you promise you won't do anything drastic right?"

"I promise.. with all of my life.." Shuichi responds. He puts his black hat back on and rubs his shoulder. "I'm sorry.. I, didn't know what you'd end up saying.. I'm still a little anxious.."

"It's ok.." I say back. I rub my arm too, and look down. He stands there for a while. We're both quiet. Then, I hear footsteps. I look over to the doorway, and I see Futo. He changed back into his school uniform and he has his school bag.

"Hey Kokichi!" He says with a smile.

"Hey Futo. What are you doing up? Shouldn't you be in the nurse's office laying down? You just got kicked in the head!" I say as I tilt my head.

"Heh yeah. I'm feeling a little bit better, so I thought I'd come find you and hang out with you before we go!" He gives a brighter smile. Then he notices Shuichi. "Oh hi! You must be one-..." Futo realizes who I'm talking to now. He gasps, and his pupils get small. He starts to shake a little. "U-uh.. w-what are you doing back here?.."

"Ah- Futo it's ok!" I stand up and go comfort him. "His, prison sentence ended and they let him come back to school." Futo looks up at him terrified and takes a step back. "It's ok, don't worry. He's not gonna hurt you." I look at Shuichi. "He promised.."

"W-what do you mean promise?.." Futo stutters. Shuichi steps closer to us. Futo makes frightened mumbles.

"I sincerely apologize for everything I have done to you, Domo.. I, don't know what was wrong with me.. I, wasn't in control of my actions, or emotions.. at all.. and I promise, to both you and Ouma-kun that it will never happen again.." Shuichi says. He sounds really sympathetic. "..I know what I did was terrible and wrong..and I will never do it again.. I just, hope we can all sort this out together and be friends again.." We all stand there silently for a moment. Futo is still anxious and shaky. Eventually he looks at Shuichi and nods his head.

"..o-okay.." He responds timidly.

"Thank you.." Shuichi responds. Futo looks back up at him. Shuichi gave a reluctant smile. Eventually, Futo returns the smile. I join in and give a small smile.

"Ok, well, we should probably head home. You should rest up Futo. Hopefully there won't be that big a bruise on your head!" I say. Futo laughs a little.

"Then I guess I will see you tomorrow.." Shuichi says shyly. I nod my head.

"See you tomorrow!" I announce. Futo and I walk to the front gate.

"Goodbye.." Shuichi says quietly. He walks back into the school.

Time went by. It's now around 5 pm. Hajime just got home from work. Rantaro came home from the café, and dropped his stuff off and changed into his scrubs to get on shift at the ER. I told him what happened with Futo and that he wouldn't be at work tonight. Well, Hajime is finishing up making dinner. Hiyoko and I are in the living room, and she's arguing with me.

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