I'll Do Anything For Him

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It's that same afternoon. It's still lunchtime. I have nowhere to be, or nothing in mind, so I just walk around aimlessly some more. I walk into the chemistry lab. I look at a cabinet, full of chemicals and acids. I stare at it, blankly.

"I can't wait to see Ouma-kun! He's just the cutest!" I hear a girl say. I don't turn around, but I scrunch up my shoulders in anger, and, without thinking, I open up the cabinet, and take out a bottle of poison. I put it in my pocket swiftly, and peek out into the hall. I realize that the young girl who was talking about Ouma-kun was Sayaka Maizono. I stealthily follow her. She leads me to a tree, close to Ouma-kun. "Oh, Ouma. You're so handsome! I hope, someday you'll notice, how much you mean to me. I'll tell you one day. I will." She continues to speak to herself. Meanwhile, I'm standing far behind her, on the verge of tears. I then notice that she placed a Bento tray on a bench nearby. I notice, and immediately decide to poison her Bento. I stealthily walk over, and pour the poison on her Bento. I walk back to where I was. I dry my eyes with my palm. "Okay. You'll know soon, Senpai Ouma." She walks back to her bench, and picks up her Bento. I watch. "...*cough*... oh god... w-what's wrong with this- *cough*..." She says faintly. She chokes on the poison. She eventually collapses. I look down at her, and see she is dead. I look to Ouma-kun, and then down the hallways. I notice the art club room nearby, and quickly drag Sayaka's body. I go out, seeming unsuspecting. I'm a bit twitchy, and I can feel my heart pounding hard in my chest. I then walk to the tree near Ouma-kun, and watch him read his book, and eat his sushi. I watch his little jaw moving lightly, and his cute, little eyes move with the words on the pages. I calm down and feel happy when I watch him.

"!? Nah!!" I hear someone scream. I jump a little, and look behind me. Someone noticed Sayaka's body. I sneak up behind the young boy, Makoto Naegi. I breathe angrily, as I hold up my screwdriver. He hears me, and turns around. "You did this! I bet you did! I know it!" He yells. He tries to apprehend me. I try and ward him off. "Eugh- why are you doing this!?"

"I'm doing this for love..." I say undisturbed. I glance at Ouma-kun, and I feel great strength. I push Makoto to the ground, and I stab him continuously. My arm moving in swift, continuous motions. His blood splatters all over my body. After about a minute of stabbing, I stop, and stare down at the lifeless corpse. I drag his body into the art club room. I close the door, and search for a nearby restroom. I go in, and close the door. I look at myself in the mirror. My face and body are covered in blood. My face is dark and cold. My eyes are dilated. I'm twitching immensely, and my heart pounds harder. I wash off myself, but I'm still insane.

"H-Hey! Who closed the door?" I hear someone say. They try to open the door. I unlock the door, and the guy walks in. I hide behind the door. It's a young man, Nagito Komaeda. I had an idea to drown him, but he is much taller than me. Almost a whole foot taller. I have to be very careful. I walk quietly behind him, and he walks into the stall. He faces the inside of the stall. I jump up, and grab the back of his head. "!? W-what the!?-" He yells. He's not that heavy, so I don't have to do much work. But is was quite a hassle getting in top of him. I pull his head down into the toilet bowl. He struggles to breath, and escape. He almost gets out, but I'm not ready to give up. He manages to get his head out, and he sees me. "S-Shuichi?... w-what happened to you?" He questions dazed. I tackle him back to the toilet bowl. I knock him in the back of his head with my elbow. His head knocks down back into the toilet bowl. I shove his head in, and keep it there. He struggles, and eventually passes out. He falls limply from the toilet bowl, between my legs. A bit of water leaks from his lifeless, blue lips. I look down, then kneel. I place two fingers on his neck to see if he has a pulse. It's very faint, but I know he will suffocate and die very soon. I drag his body to a stall, and lock it. I crawl out from underneath. I go look in the mirror again. I've gone completely insane. I'm twitching like a psychopath, and I'm breathing very heavy. My heart is beating very fast. I lean on my elbows on the counter. I can feel my heart throbbing unsteadily in my chest. I laugh to calm myself down.

"Hahahahha! Hehehhehheehehe!! Hahahahahmhmhmhmhehehehe!!" I laugh. I'm not so much laughing evilly, but more sneakily and mischievous. Like a little schoolgirl, plotting to humiliate a rival.

"Hey. What is going on in here?" I hear someone say. He walks into the restroom, concerned. It's Ouma-kun. "Is that 'you' making that noise? Stop that! Th-that's really creepy!" He shouts.

"U-um... s-sorry... u-uhm... oooh..." I say blankly. Ouma-kun walks away, looking frightened. Thankfully, I calmed down before he could notice my insanity. I stood there blankly for about a minute, or so. I then walked out. The 2nd class bell rung, and I waked to my class.

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