He Has Feelings...

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It's that same afternoon. It's class time again. I'm sitting in my classroom, listening to Sensei teach. I'm daydreaming about Ouma-kun. I have my arms folded on my desk, and my head resting on my arms.

"Saihara?" Sensei calls out to me.

"Hm?..." I go. She walks over to me.

"Are you still not feeling well?" She asks. I shrug. "Did you go to the nurse like I said?" I shake my head. "Ok... why don't you go lay down or something." Sensei feels my forehead. "You feel hot. Go. Nurse. Now." I stand up, and head to the nurse's office. I'm walking down the hall to the nurse's office. I don't really feel sick, I just feel tired. I could go back to class, and say the nurse sent me back, but, I just took the opportunity to sleep. I walk in, and I tell the nurse 'I don't feel well', and I lay down in a cot. I lay on my side, trying to rest. The door opens.

"Um, hi..." I hear. I glance up. And, when I looked up, I got a nervous feeling in my mind.

"Hello, there, Kokichi. What seems to be wrong?" The nurse asks.

"Um, I kind of don't feel well." Ouma-kun says. The nurse looks at him. She looks in his eyes, then takes his temperature.

"Hm... looks like you have a small fever. 99.7. Technically, your temperature isn't high enough for me to send you home, but you can lay down if you wish." The nurse says. Ouma-kun walks over close to me.

"Hey...what's up with you?" He asks me. I feel really tense when he talks to me.

"U-um... I-I... um... I'm n-not really...uh..." I go.

"Don't feel well...?" Ouma questions. I nod shakily. "Oh... ok then..." Ouma-kun lays down in the cot next to me. I'm facing away from him. I'm blushing badly, and shaking a bit. He's close to me, and I get nervous. "Yeah... me neither... I feel a bit lightheaded..."

"O-oh... well, I-I hope... I hope you feel better..." I say shakily.

"Are you sure you're 'only' not feeling well? You sound... weird..." Ouma-kun questions me. He gets up, and walks to me. He comes to the side to face my face. He sees my face is red. "Wow... you're pretty red." He says. He looks at me confused, then he places the back of his hand on my forehead gently. "Wow! You're burning up..." Ouma-kun goes over to get the nurse. He tells her to take my temperature again. She takes my temperature.

"Oh my! You're temperature is pretty high..." She says.

"What's his temperature?" Ouma asks.

"102.2..." The nurse says. "We're definitely going to have to send you home..."

"Oh... that's too bad..." Ouma-kun says. He frowns sadly, and walks back to me. He sits with me, beside my head. He's not really looking at me, but he looks at me after a while. I'm so nervous that he's sitting next to me, I'm blushing so bad. "Oh, jeez! Are you sure you're ok?" He worries. He calls the nurse over, 'again', to take my temperature.

"Oohhh! You look pretty sick..." she says.

"I know!... what's his temperature now?" Ouma asks.

"104.1..." The nurse says.

"Wow... Sai, you gotta go home..." Ouma-kun says to me.

"S-Sai?..." I question.

"Yeah. Sai. Ya know? Cuz your name is 'Sai'hara." Ouma smirks.

"Heheh... y-yeah..." I smile a bit. The nurse signs me out, and let's me go home. I get up, and I walk outside to my car. Ouma lays back down. He smiles, and his cheeks get a bit rosy. I drive myself home, and I get inside. "...d-do I really have a fever?..." I say to myself. I look in the mirror, as feel my forehead. I've cooled down a bit, and my blush went away. I don't really feel sick, but I do still feel tired. And I kinda feel a bit dehydrated. I decide to get myself some water, then I decide to take my temperature myself. When I took the thermometer out of my mouth, I looked at it. 99.5. I've cooled down a lot. I think I got that weird fever because Ouma-kun was sitting next to me, and talking to me. He was, worried, about me... that surprised me... I didn't actually think he cared about me... well, I got myself water, and I made myself a bowl of egg drop soup. I lay down on the sofa and rest.

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