Chapter 5

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        (Grace's POV)

After reading what I had written down it all made sense. I kept reading it over and over. It seemed right and I had to tell her, no matter what happens afterwards I just have to. She should be over any minute now. I head to the living room and I hide the notebook under one of the couch cushions. As soon as I get sat down there's a knock on my door. I answer it and there stands Hannah. She looks gorgeous. She has her floral snapback on, a Tumblr shirt and black skinny jeans. I look at her over and over again. "Earth to Grace. Are you ok?"

        "Um yeah. I was just amazed with how wonderful outside looks."

        "Grace I don't mean to ruin the moment for you but it's like extremely cloudy."

        "I know this, but the clouds are just really pretty."

        "Sure they are Gracie sure they are." There goes that name that drives me crazy.

        "Come on Hannah let's go film." She walks in and then gives me a look. "What?" I ask.

        "You seem to really want to get this over with."

        "No I just want to get the video made so that we can talk."

        "What do we need to talk about?" The way she cocked her head literally made me wonder if she was the one.

        "Just stuff."

        "Uh... ok."

        *After the video*

        "So Grace what did you want to talk to me about?" She asks. I can't say because she's literally sitting on the cushion that the notebook was under. I had to come up with something so that I could get it. "Um Hannah before we talk about it, would you mind going to get me a glass of water?"

        "Smellbig can't you get it yourself?"

        "Yeah, but I want you to get it."

        "You're just so convincing you know that. I'll go get it." She gets up and then starts laughing as she goes into the kitchen. Quickly I get out the notebook and hide it behind my back. As soon as I get situated she comes back in. "Ok here's your glass of water. May I now know what you wanna talk about?"

        "I have something to show you."

        "Oh no you haven't started-"

        "No. It's something comepletely different."

        "Oh. Procede then." I pull the notebook out from behind my back and hand it to Hannah. "What's this?"

        "Just open it up and read what it says out loud."

        "Uh... Ok." Carefully she opens it up and smiles as she see's the first page. "Farto this is for you. I've wrote this to tell you something very important.  This has been building up for the past few days, and it all kinda escalated when I had a dream. Before that dream I was struggling with coming to terms with my sexuality. I thought that I was Bi since I liked well I like you, but I don't like any other female that's the thing. That doesn't matter though. What matters is that since that dream I've been questioning if this one person I really like.... If they're the one. I mean they're taken and I think I love them." She stops reading and looks at me, "Grace is this about me?"

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