Chapter 28

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(Mamrie's POV)

A month. This how long the break has been going for. It's still not over either. Hannah has been a wreck and Grace, well let's just say I have to bring her groceries. They both have taken a break from their channels and the fans are starting to get worried. I will check on both of them everyday and I'll try to get them to talk to each other, but Grace always says that she just doesn't feel ready to talk to Hannah, and Hannah usually says that she doesn't feel like it. I'm getting quite tired of all of the excuses. Tyler and I had been talking about arranging a meeting for the two girls. Tyler would say he wanted to take Hannah out for lunch and I would say the same to Grace. We worked out the time, the place, and even an escape route if they started fighting. We decided that we put it into action on Thursday and it was now Tuesday. Neither of us knew if they would both show up or just one, or maybe they just wouldn't but only time would tell.

(Hannah's POV)

I was doing nothing on this really sunny Wednesday in LA. Well I wouldn't quite say nothing, after all I was sitting on my couch watching crappy TV shows while I drowned my sorrows in wine, ice cream, and cheez its. It wasn't the greatest of combinations but I was still able to keep it down.

As I was channel surfing, I heard my phone ding. I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up and think that it could be Grace, but I did like always. Instead I was crushed to see that it was Tyler. His text read, "I was wanting to know if you wanted to get lunch on Thursday." I didn't know what to reply back with. One part of me didn't want to, but then another part of me did. So I said, "Sure tell me where and when." He immediately replied back, like he had the response already typed in.

"Cool, um meet me at that café around the corner by your place around one." I sent him an ok and then the conversation was over.

  (Grace's POV)

I haven't talked to Hannah in a whole month. A whole flipping month. I know that I shouldn't keep avoiding her, but in my mind it just felt easier that way. Besides she was probably all over me by now. I knew that couldn't be true though. Hannah genuinely loved me, even though we had only been together for a short time, I knew that I was falling for her harder than I had anyone else before. I was still lost in thought once I heard my phone go off. I got my hopes up in thinking that it was Hannah, but nope. It was Mamrie.

"Hello Mames." I say coldly.

"Nice to talk to you too Helbig."

"Sorry I've just been... Thinking."

"Well answer me this and then you can go back to your thinking."

"Ok, what is it?"

"Would you like to go to the little café by Hannah's for lunch around say 1?"

"Sure why not, I need an outing. Maybe I'll even see Hannah."

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing Mames. See you Thursday." Before she could say anything else I hung up. I was surprised at what I just said, but that wasn't meant for Mamrie or anyone for that matter to hear. I just hope Mamrie didn't analyze it to death.

 Do you think Mamrie and Tyler's plan will work? Well I hoped you enjoyed this and thanks for reading you wonderful human you. Also tell me what you think. Ok so byeee c: 

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