Chapter 15

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        (Grace's POV)

Well it's time to meet Hannah at the park. Sarah pushed me all the way to what I'm guessing is Raymond's truck. I didn't want to go. Not because I didn't want to see Hannah because I did, but I kinda knew what she was planning to do. I also heard her talking to someone that she called Memory. I just keep wondering who that person may be. As I'm being pushed into the car door I finally ask Sarah who it is. "Um Sarah I have a question."

        "Sure Grace go on and ask." She said that a little to sweetly. I'm more worried now then I already was. "Who's Memory?"

        "Oh you'll find out who that is soon enough. Now shut your damn mouth." She chuckles to her self and slams the truck door in my face.

        (Hannah's POV)

"Mamrie what if she wants to end things between us?" I ask the red head.

        "I'm pretty sure that's not what this is." She says and then takes a seat beside me on the bench.

        "Do you think that's her?" I ask as a red truck pulls up in front. The windows are tinted so I can't make out any faces only voices. Soon Grace gets out and the whole left side of her face is bruised with hand prints. There's also a huge bump on her forehead. "Grace what happened to you?" I say walking over to her. Then Sarah gets out. I did not expect to see her, but by the looks of it Mamrie did. Mamrie walks over and hugs Sarah. "Nice job. I couldn't of done better myself." I look between Mamrie and Swike. "You did this to her?!" I raise my voice a little louder then I intended to.

        "On the contrary. You did." Sarah says before kissing Mamrie. Even Grace is stunned now. Well I guess more then she was. "Mames I thought you were Chester." I say.

        "Oh I am. I guess you could say that I'm cheating on him with her."

        "Mames how could you do this?" Grace asked.

        "Very easily. You see Grace unlike you I don't get everything I want. I wanted Hannah. Sarah being the kind person she is seen that. So both of us had a common goal to rip the two of you apart from eachother. So what better way to do that then I take Hannah and Swike takes you." Mamrie laughs and places her arm on Sarah's shoulders. "Mames please don't do this." I plead. Mamrie brings her hand back and slaps me. It doesn't hurt. Mamrie then gets close to my ear and whispers. "Wince in pain." I look at her and just do as she says. "Good job Mametown." Sarah says.

        "Thanks babe." Grace looks at me and I look back at her. I want to kiss her so badly but I know that right now wouldn't be a very good time. "I'm going to the bathroom guys. Mames you go them covered?" Sarah asks.

        "You bet." Mamrie says. Sarah kisses Mamrie on the cheek and then walks towards the bathroom. Once Sarah was out of earshot Mamrie starts to speak. "Look you guys, I'm sorry about this. I only agreed to do this to save you guys. I'm sorry to say Hannah I did like you but that was until I found Chester." Mamrie started to drift off and I snapped my fingers in front of her face. "Oh sorry. Look she was going to kill you. Her plan was to kill Grace right in front of you and I told her the kidnapping idea would be better. Don't worry that's not going to happen. Now let's go!" I had no idea if we could trust Mamrie but I went with it. Grace and I both followed Mamrie to my car. Mamrie jumped in the drivers seat and I got in the back with Grace. Before we drove off Mamrie pulled out her phone and called someone. "Hey Raymond. Yeah she did. Ok get here as soon as you can."

        "Mamrie why did you just call Sarah's friend?" Grace asks. The suspicion was high in her voice

        "Grace, Raymond is actually a undercover cop. He's one of my college buddies. He was just watching her to make sure Sarah didn't kill you and now he's going to arrest her." After that Mamrie sped off. As we're driving off I can hear sirens in the distance. Grace is next to me but isn't conscious anymore. "Grace. Grace!" I yell. She opens her eyes and places a hand on my face. "Take care of Goose for me Hannah. I love you." She closes her eyes. "Grace no. Come on Grace please. I love you. I can't lose you." I start to cry and I kiss her. I then touch her neck with hope that she's still with me. "Mamrie I feel a pulse. Get to a hospital."

        "Already on it mini Hart."

        Sorry to leave you hanging like that. Also what a turn of events, Mamrie wasn't evil after all. Even better 3 updates in one day! Well I hoped you liked this and thanks for reading you wonderful human you. Also tell me what you think. Ok so byeee. c:

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