Chapter 22

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(Hannah's POV)

We filled Tyler in on everything that had happened. Well the stuff he didn't already know. "I didn't want to say this but I'm just going to say it... That bitch is cray." Tyler said. We all gave off a nervous laugh and then Mamrie brought up the topic that we had all been avoiding for the past 20 minutes. "What do we do with her?" I looked at Grace and she looked down at Sarah. "We can't just leave her there you guys." Mamrie continued. I rubbed my eyes, and then stood up.

"Ok so we'll just take her to the hospital." I say.

"What's that going to solve Hannah? They'd just ask us what happened and I really don't think they'd believe us." Grace says.

"They will. She was all over the news Grace so I think that they might believe us." I try and reason.

"But what if we don't. That means we could get into a hell of a lot of trouble and we've let her lay there for half an hour." I then seen what she meant. None of us have checked on her and it would look extremely bad since we've just let her lay there. We could get into a lot of trouble. My thoughts were interrupted as I seen Sarah slowly sit up.

(Sarah's POV)

I wake up to Grace and Hannah talking about something. I had no idea why I was at Hannah's apartment, or why I was passed out. The only thing I remember is going to Chester's, but not why, or what I did after. I decide to sit up but I can't. I just hurt so bad. So I try again and this time I was successful, but everyone stopped talking. I wasn't raising so fast and no one was helping me. Once I did get into a sitting position I slowly opened my eyes and everyone was staring at me. "Hi guys." I say. It comes out kind of hoarse. No one says anything. They're all still staring a me and I look around the room. I see Tyler, Mamrie, Grace, Hannah, and when my eye's meet Chester's he just freezes. "Should we take her now?" Mamrie speaks up clearing the heaviness that was filling the room.

"I don't know. Uh how do you feel Sarah?" Hannah asks me.

"I have a little headache...." I start to trail off and everyone starts to talk around me. I can't make out what they're saying, except for the short glances that Grace will make in my direction. Chester just keeps staring at me like I did something majorly tragic to him. Then I hear Tyler say, "I think she has some memory loss."

"Memory loss? Why would I have that? Wait but what even happened before I went to get Chester, and why was I going to get him?" I thought to myself. There was so many questions and my head was spinning because of them.

I took one more glance at everyone before everything went black, for the second time that day.

 So Swike has memory loss now. Huh, I wonder how hard Tyler actually hit her? The real question is, will she ever get it back? Well I hoped you liked this and thanks for reading you wonderful human you. Ok so byeee. c:

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