Chapter 27

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(Hannah's POV)

I hope she didn't notice. I should've taken care of it before she got here. There's no way now that she's not going to notice it while we're this close. I'm just thankful that she couldn't tell that I was crying, or the fact that I could possibly smell like Sarah, but this is clearly noticeable. Sarah kissed me on the cheek and it kind of left a slight mark from her lipstick, it's not very noticeable if you're far away but up close you can clearly see it. That's why I was in the kitchen when Grace got here, I was trying to wash it off. I should've just told her to wait until I was done, but of course I didn't. Stupid move Hannah, stupid move. Then it all happens at once. Grace looks at me and her eyes squint at me, then she pushes me back from her. I land on the floor. "Hannah why the hell do you have a lipstick mark on you're cheek? I know for damn sure that it's not from me!" Grace exclaims.

"Look Grace I can explain everything if you'll just let me." I plead.

"Oh go on. I'd love to hear this excuse."

"I'm not going to lie. I'll tell the complete and honest truth. Look, Sarah got upset just as we were about to leave, and that's when she told me that she knew we both wanted her to leave. She kissed me. I didn't kiss her back, at first I freaked out and then she did once she started remembering everything. I tried to comfort her but only ended up crying myself and apologizing for what I did to her. I'm just going to cut to the chase. I kissed her Grace. It was a mistake, but not something I want to take back. I love her, but not near as much as I love you." I stop and she just stands over me and looks at me. Mamrie then helps me up and Grace backs up from me. "Hannah I think I'm going to leave. Um I don't know exactly what to say right now. Actually I think it would be best if we don't see each other for awhile." Grace says.

"Grace-" Mamrie starts to say.

"No Mames. There's no fixing this with words. Only time can, and I think that we should break up Hannah. I really do. For now anyways. Goodbye." Grace left and made sure to slam the door behind her. I was left standing with Mamrie having no idea of what to say or do.

I decided to update again so that you guys wouldn't be left on to much of a cliffhanger. Well I hoped you enjoyed this and thanks for reading you wonderful human you. Also tell me what you think. Ok so byeee c:

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