Chapter 31 (The last one)

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(Sarah's POV)

Hannah. That's all I can think about. Hannah. She said she loved me, that she still loved me. People might call me obsessive but I don't think so, I mean there could still be a chance there, right? I just need to get rid of that stupid blonde. All my earlier attempts have failed. Maybe I could just wait and she'd come to me, or maybe Hannah will come to her senses finally. Who am I kidding, we've past all that ages ago. I have to fight my urges though. I mean Hannah's happy with her, and she still talks to me. I had the chance to steal her from Grace, but I couldn't do it. I should feel happy about doing something good right? Well why don't I. I feel like I made the worst mistake of my life. Is it possible that I know that Grace will hurt Hannah, or *ding* I get a notification that Hannah's put out a new video. Should I watch it? I mean it could be something important.

I grab my phone and prepare to watch the new video. My mind is telling me not to but I don't care what my mind is telling me. I just need to know what's on that video.

*The Video*

H: Hey guys.

G: Hiiii

H: So we have an announcement, as you can see by the title.

G: And no this isn't like my announcement video. This is not a prank.

H: Since we cleared that up... Over the past week you guys have probably noticed that Grace and I have been filming in the same locations as each other.

G: That is quite a coincidence. But I would like to add that we have moved in together!

H: Yay! 

G: We also have some other big news.

H: We have finally decided to tell you guys that....


G: And this is no joke see *Grace kisses Hannah*

H: Well now that you guys know, we don't have to hide in each others videos so you'll probably be seeing a lot more of me in Grace's Fridiary videos.

G: How do you know that I actually want you in them?

H: Please, you know you're dying to have this face on your camera.

G: Pfft, as if.

H: Well that's all for today. So Grace would you like to take over?

G: We don't know.

The video ends then. I don't know how to exactly react to it. I mean should I be sad, mad, happy for them, or what? I don't know. I feel nothing, not even jealousy. Could that video possibly helped me get over Hannah? Maybe. Who knows, only time can tell. I just hope now I can finally move past all of this with Mamrie of course. "Babe are you alright? You've been in your room for like an hour." Mamrie yells at me from the other side of the door.

"Yeah. Just a few more minutes."

 So that's the end, and also true Swamrie at the end. Well that's the end of this fanfiction, and there will be plenty more. I hoped you enjoyed this whole series and thanks for reading you wonderful human you. So for the last time with this fanfiction I will say goodbye. Ok so byeee c:

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