Chapter 18

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        *Two weeks later* (Mamrie's POV)

Grace has been staying with me for the time being. Hannah won't come over but she calls and asks to talk to Grace. I've been trying to talk to Grace about what she said about her dating Sarah, but it's always the same thing, "It's true Mamrie it really is." Each time I just slowly nod my head and walk away from her. This time I'm going to make her believe. "Grace you have to understand you never broke up with Hannah."

        "Yes I did Mamrie. Why don't you believe me?"

        "The night that you were taken away, I was there. So was Chester, Tyler, and Troye. You came out to all of us as a couple that night."

        "You're lying to me Mamrie. I know Sarah took me and she hurt me but it was only because she seen me with Hannah."

        "Grace she wanted to kill you."

        "NO SHE DIDN'T." She started yelling and I got up and moved away from her. "Grace you need to stop, ok. Hannah still has the note that Sarah made you write for her."

        "What note?"

        "So you don't remember it?"


        "Well then let's go to Hannah's."

        (Hannah's POV)

I'm still not over Grace and it hurts. No one quite understands what this feels like. I still talk to Grace from time to time but that's only to see how she's doing, but I won't go see her in person. Mamrie says I should talk to her but at this point and time I don't think that is a very good idea.

        So right now I'm sitting alone on my couch just staring at my tv not even taking in what's being said on the show that I'm watching. I don't really even know what I'm watching. I hear my phone ding and see that I just recieved a text from Mamrie. I picked up my phone off of the coffetable and read what it said. From Mames: Is it alright if I come over?

        To Mames: Sure. I'm not doing anything really.

        From Mames: Well there's one surprise though.

        To Mames: What's that?

        From Mames: Grace is coming with me.


        Sorry for all the short chapters but I wonder what's going to happen in the next chapter. Well I hoped you enjoyed this and thanks for reading you wonderful human you. Also tell me what you think. Ok so byeee. c:

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