Chapter 6

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        (Hannah's POV)

"Grace is this about me?" I ask after reading through the notebook. She doesn't answer me. Instead she looks down at her shoes. "Grace it was just an assumption I mean I just thought-"

        "You thought correctly Hannah. I'm in love you. Yes me Grace Helbig, is in love with a girl. I just can't take it anymore. These feelings I'm feeling for you aren't normal. It's like I need to be around you at every waking second and if I'm not my heart literally hurts. I want to kiss you every time I see you but I can't, because I know you don't have feelings for me. Besides you have Swike and-" She starts crying. I place my hand on her back but she moves so that I can't touch her. Before I can even say anything she gets up and runs off to her bedroom. I don't know what to do or say. I mean for months before I started dating Sarah I cried myself to sleep every night. I was in love with her. Is it possible that I still am? Only one way to find out.

        I stand up and go towards Grace's room and knock on the door. "Grace open up."

        "Go away!"

        "Grace just open the door. We need to talk."

        "No we don't. Now please just go away. I mean I know you don't like me so just go away."

        "Grace I'm not going anywhere. There's something I need to tell you, and I'm not telling it to a door. So either you open up or I'm coming in." I stand back for a few seconds and wait to see if she's going to open the door. Then it opens. Grace stands all slouched over and her face is red from crying. "What did you want to tell me." Grace says coldly.

        "I wanted to tell you that before I got with Sarah I used to cry myself asleep for months because I was in love with you." I walk up to her and wipe her face off.

        "Was Hannah. You were in love with me?"

        "Yes Grace, and I think I still am. There's only one way to be sure."

        "And what's tha-" I kissed her and I felt everything that I imagined I would. I then knew I was in love with her, and I needed her to be mine. "Hannah did you feel-"

        "Yeah. That was incredible." I gave her a peck on the lips again and she smiled. I was happy for a spilt moment, because I then realized.... I had to tell Sarah.

        What's going to happen next? Well I hoped you enjoyed this and thanks for reading you wonderful human you. Also tell me what you think. Ok so byeee. c:

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