Attack of the Black Pearl

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Jack got taken away to the jail after getting in a fight with Will, and I had to figure out a way to break him out.
I climbed out of the barrel and shook my head in disbelief, and I saw Will covered in sawdust, "So
I see you met my captain," I observed. "Yes," he wiped the dust from his face.
  "He seems insufferable," my brother criticized. "Aye, at times, but he's my captain, and he's been nothing but kind and protective of me." I walked to the sharpening station of the shop and began to sharpen my sword.
  After long awkward silence, Will sat next to me, "I must ask you something, Ro," "What is it?" I looked up from sharpening my sword.  "Why did you become a pirate?"
"After Father died and you went missing and then Mother's death, I had no idea where to go. I was alone," I explained.
"I stowed away on a ship to Tortuga, took on the code of the Pirates, and officially became a pirate,"
I rolled up my sleeve to reveal the skull and crossbones on my forearm. "I felt close to Father, being on the Seven Seas and traveling the world," I smiled, "This also led me to Jack, he can be irritating at times, but he's caring and sweet."
"Do you love him?" Will asked. I looked down at my tattoo and then back at my brother, and I realized why I was feeling envious. I did in fact love Jack.
"Aye," I replied; not only was I admitting my feelings for Jack to Will, but to myself as well.
"Does he know?" he seemed like he cared how I was feeling, even though I knew his distaste towards pirates.
"No, I don't think so," I went back to fixing my sword.
"When do you plan on telling him?" Will interrogated.
"When the time is right," I replied. I instantly remembered what my father told me when I found out he was a pirate. I didn't have the heart to tell Will that our father was a pirate; that would break his heart.
"Are you ashamed that I'm a pirate?" I asked. I was afraid of what he would say; I hadn't seen him in twelve years. "No," he hugged me. "You're my sister and I love you."
I was elated at his response. "Thank you, I love you too." I hugged him back.

  We spent that evening catching up and I helped him around the shop, Will taught me how to make a sword, and we even pulled a prank on his master, Mr. Brown. It was just like old times!

  That night while we were eating dinner, we heard a loud explosion of cannon fire! I got up from the table and looked out the window of the shop and couldn't believe what I was seeing; it was the elusive vessel herself: The Black Pearl!

"Will, it's the Pearl!" I said in horror. He got up from the table as well and looked out the window with me. "What makes her dangerous?" "Her crew is cursed. They leave no survivors," I watched as the crew got into longboats and rowed to shore! The most evil crew of pirates in the history of mankind were on the prowl.
"The crew will slaughter Port Royal if we don't do something," I looked at my brother ominously.
He was already taking two swords off the wall, "Let's go," he tossed me a weapon and we set off to stop the pirates.
Cannon fire and gun powder invaded my senses, and the helpless screams of the civilians added to the terrifying ambience.
     My brother and I ran down the path of the town and it was in chaos. Pirates were burning down the shops and stealing goods. A group of them were chasing a woman, terrorizing her.
Will threw an axe into a pirate's back, killing him instantly.
There was a child that was lost and looking for his mother, he was crying in fear. A tall pirate with a scraggly beard tipped a giant box of explosives over and it was about to fall on the child, I instantly ran and picked him up before he could get hurt.
"Are you okay?" I asked the child trying to calm him down.
He nodded, sniffed, and wiped his eyes, "I want my mother," tears started to flow again. "We'll find her," I assured him.
  Amidst the chaos, I was able to bring the child back to his mother, but things began to take a turn for the worst when more pirates invaded Port Royal!
The men smiled ravenously and went in for their kills. I could smell the evil and insanity off them; it made my skin crawl.
Two of the pirates were making their way up to the governors' mansion.
I met up with Will and we were fighting every pirate we came across, and suddenly, the deranged pirate who Will killed with an axe earlier was right in front of us. He was alive! He laughed like a madman and knocked me out with the stock of his gun and I blacked out before I could see what happened next.

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