Sunrise and Sundown

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All the pain I was feeling was gone, and I felt wonderful! Jack was back in my life; we had succeeded in his rescue. 

I was helping Mr. Gibbs chart a course while Jack and Barbossa were trying to outdo each other as captain. 

"Trim that sail!" Barbossa ordered. "Trim that sail!" Jack copied. "Slack the windward brace and sheets!"  "Slack the windward brace and sheets!" "Haul that pallet-line!" "Haul that pallet-line!"

"What ARE you doing?!" Barbossa shouted, annoyed. "What are YOU doing?" Jack repeated. "No, what ARE you doing?!" "I said what are YOU doing? Captain gives orders on the ship!" my husband yelled. "The captain of this ship is giving orders!" "My ship makes me captain." "They be my charts," "That makes you... chart man!" as much as I loved Jack, that was the worst comeback I'd ever heard, but I had to giggle. 

"STOW IT, BOTH OF YOU! THAT'S AN ORDER! UNDERSTAND?!" Pintel shouted at the two men. Jack and Barbossa looked at him, stunned. 

  "Sorry," Pintel apologized sheepishly. "I just thought with the captain issue being in doubt; I'd thought I'd throw my name in for consideration, sorry," he walked away with embarrassment. 

  Jack and Barbossa walked away with their heads held high. I walked up to Jack and kissed him, "You know you're always my captain." I told him flirtatiously. "At least I have you on my side," he stroked my face softly. I smiled, "I always will. You can count on me." "I love you, Ro." "I love you too, Jack." we leaned in and kissed each other. It felt innocent, familiar, and safe. We looked at each other with love and respect, because as husband and wife, we loved and respected each other. 

 "Jack, I know Elizabeth left you to the Kraken, and if I had seen it, I would have put a stop to it." I hugged him. "Watching you go down with your ship was the worst form of torture I've ever been through, and I was about to jump into the ocean to save you."

  Jack kissed the top of my head and held me close, "My thoughts were only of you when it was happening, and I was hoping you were safe and protected." his brown eyes were full of love. "As I've said, you're worth more to me than all the silver and gold in the world. You're the angel that rescued me," he kissed me once again. I touched his face and softly kissed him. 

Later that night...

     After a long day at sea, everyone was exhausted. Jack and I were watching the stars and holding hands. We watched Pintel and Ragetti try to throw a cannonball off the side of the ship, but Tia Dalma gave the two men the death glare. "Be disrespectful it would," said Pintel. We went over to where they were looking, and I was horrified. Dead bodies were floating in the water!  I jumped, startled. 

  Lantern-lit boats glided across the water, and various people from different points in time were its passengers. I saw a woman with auburn hair and blue eyes dressed like a pirate, and I realized it was my mother, Arabella!

"Mother!" I called out to her. She turned her head to face me and smiled, "Rosella, my how you've grown." "I miss you so much," I said with sadness. "I miss you too, and William," she smiled sadly. Mother looked at Jack and smiled, "Jack Sparrow, it's been so long." "Hello Bell," he smiled and tipped his hat. "I see you've married my daughter," she grinned. "The best decision I've ever made." "I love Jack with all my heart and soul," I told my mother. 

  "Ro, what's going on?" Will ran to where we were standing. "Look," I told my brother. He listened and there was a look of instant shock, "Mother?" "Hello William," she greeted. "How are you here?" he asked with excitement and confusion. "I don't know," Mother shrugged. "I saw your sister and her husband, and here you are." her blue eyes glistened with tears. "I am so proud of you two," she smiled with happiness and joy. "I wish I was there with you," tears slid down her face. 

  Things took an even more heartbreaking turn when Elizabeth saw Governor Swann in one of the boats, "It's my father! Father we've made it back! We're here!" "Elizabeth, we're not back," Jack said. She just looked at him and called for her father. 

  He noticed her after a while, "Elizabeth, are you dead?" he smiled almost in a daze. "No," she replied with confusion. "I think I am," he told his daughter. "You can't be!" she cried. 

"There was this chest. A heart. Silly thing to die for, isn't it?" 

  Elizabeth broke down crying when she realized her father was actually dead. As angry as I still was at her, I knew what it was like to lose both parents; so I felt empathy. 


  The sun was relentlessly beating down upon us. All of our water and rum seemed to dry up. I was trying to get as much shade as I could so I wouldn't get sunburned. The heat was unbearable. 

Suddenly, Jack got up from reading the map in a frantic manner, "What is that?!" "What?" I got up to see where he was looking. There was nothing, "Maybe it's over here," he ran to the otherside of the ship causing more people in the crew to join. 

"He's rocking the ship!" Pintel said impressed. "Let's tie ourselves to the mast so when the boat flips we'll be right side up," Ragetti suggested to him. "Aye, good idea!" he replied to his friend. 

The crew of the Black Pearl was rocking the ship back and forth. It was both scary and exciting. Jack made sure I was with him at all times; he was really taking the promise he made me seriously, and that was heartwarming. 

  "Now up is down!" Jack said. The side of the ship was suspended in the air and we held onto the rail as the Pearl flipped over into the ocean. I took a gulp full of air before we went underwater. It was strange to be hanging on the ship while it's upside down underwater.

The ship began to flip back upwards as a flash of green illuminated the water, and the sun was rising. "Blessed sweet westerlies, we're back!" Gibbs exclaimed. Suddenly, Jack, Will, Elizabeth, and Barbossa all raised their guns to each other!

I looked at them like they had lost their minds, "Is that really necessary?"

The group started laughing at each other, and then raised their pistols again, "Alright then, the Brethren Court is a gathering at Shipwreck Cove and you and I are going, Jack." Barbossa warned my husband. 

  "I is arguin' the point. If there's pirates a gatherin, I'm going the other way." Jack pointed his gun at Barbossa. "Jack, the pirates are gathering to fight Beckett and you're a pirate just like the rest of us," I told him firmly, but kindly. "Fight or not, you're not running," Will told Jack. 

"If we don't stand together they'll hunt us down one by one until there's no one left but you." "I quite like that. Captain Jack Sparrow the last pirate," he said. 

"Aye, and you'll be fightin' Jones alone! And how does that figure into your plan?" Barbossa asked. 

 "He won't be fighting alone!" I shouted. "And I won't be going back to the locker, mate. You can count on that," Jack added. 

  The group attempted to fire their guns, but they wouldn't work. The gun powder had gotten wet. 

"We can still use them as clubs." Pintel suggested. 

  Our next destination was a fresh water spring so we could refill on supplies, and of course Jack and Barbossa were arguing about who was going to stay with the ship, and my brother put himself in charge while the rest went out. 

  Things were only going to get stranger from there.

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