Shipwreck Cove

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The remaining crew members of the Black Pearl would be attending the Brethren Court. Pirates from all over the world would be attending this important meeting. 

  Jack, Hector, Gibbs, Pintel, Ragetti, and I went ahead. The pirates that were watching us were fearsome, and even we feared some of them.

 "Deep enough for the ship's draw. I would have never believed it." said Gibbs as we made port at the island. 

"If you knew how many died making it-you would believe," said Jack. "Look at them all!" I exclaimed in awe. I was excited because this would be my first time attending the Brethren Court. "There has not been a gathering quite like this in our lifetime." Barbossa observed all the crews walking inside the giant meeting house that was made out of various parts of wrecked ships. "I owe all of them money." Jack said embarrassed. 

"Darling, what am I going to do with you?" I sweetly kissed him on the cheek. "I'm sure you'll think of something." he flirted. "Quit makin' eyes. We've got to get a move on!" Barbossa shouted with a scowl. Jack rolled his eyes, but he still gave me a quick kiss, and then we made our way inside to the courtroom. 

Jack and the other Pirate Lords stabbed the globe in the center of the room, and that was to signify the start of the meeting. 

Hector took a cannonball with a chain and hit the table with it to act as a gavel. "As he who issued the summons, I convene this, the fourth Brethren Court. Your pieces of eight, my fellow captains." 

  The other Pirate Lord's placed various objects in a bowl that was being passed around. The pieces of eight that they put in the bowl wasn't at all what me and my fellow pirates were expecting. I watched intrigued.

"Those aren't pieces of eight, they're just pieces of junk." Pintel complained. "Aye, the original plan was for nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso, but when the first Brethren Court met, the brethren were to a one skint-broke." Gibbs told him. "Why not change the name?" I asked innocently, I wanted to learn more. 

"What, to nine pieces of whatever ye have in yer pocket at the time? Oh yes, sounds real piratey." the old pirate replied with sarcasm. 

Barbossa took back Ragetti's wooden eye for his piece of eight, and Jack's coin circlet that was on his bandana for Jack's share. 

"We are missing but one Pirate Lord, Sao Fang." Jack said, "I for one am content to wait." 

I laughed and held his hand, "I think we all are, darling." 

"Sao Fang is dead." a familiar voice announced. Elizabeth Swann confidently walked into the room and a group of men followed behind her. "Before he died, he passed his lordship to me, and he named me captain of the Empress." she stabbed her sword into the globe. 

"He made her captain? What, are they just giving away the title now?" Jack scoffed. 

As the meeting went on , chaos erupted like I was expecting. We were pirates after all. Debates arose about who betrayed us, and Barbossa proposed that we attempt to free Calypso. That's when the chaos reached its peak into a full brawl. 

"This is madness," Elizabeth was appalled. "It's politics," Jack shrugged. "And meanwhile, our enemy is upon us," I had the realization. "If they not be here already," said Barbossa. 

We were debating whether or not to free Calypso, and if we should go to war with Beckett. "This decision can only be made by the Pirate King." Barbossa announced. "You made that up," my husband scoffed. 

"Did I now?" Barbossa smirked. "Let us call on Captain Teague, the Keeper of the Code!"

I saw Jack's face grow pale. A man named Akshay stood up in outrage, "Sri Sumbajee claims this to be an absolute outrage. We should not be burdened by a set of outdated laws-" he was shot in the chest, and then we saw a mysterious pirate walk in the room. "The code is law, mate." 

   It was Captain Teague, Jack's father. I knew he didn't have the best relationship with him, and maybe that's why Jack was getting nervous. 

Jack and I didn't realize that we were in the way of the table as Captain Teague was trying to get past us, "You're in my way, boy." he told Jack. He and I nervously moved to the side as the old pirate laid a large leather book on the table. 

Captain Teague rummaged through the pages muttering to himself, and he came to a conclusion. Barbossa was in fact correct. We could elect a Pirate King. That honor went to Elizabeth.

  We were preparing to fight at dawn. 

  Jack and I stood idly by passing the time. He had his arm around me. 

"There's more beneath the waterline here than you're letting on." I told Jack. As his wife, I could tell when something was bothering him. Gibbs happened to be standing by, "You used to have an honest streak, let a man know where he stood with you. I can't figure this out at all." "And where did that honest streak end me up? Dead." Jack seemed sad. "Jack-" Mr. Gibbs started, but Jack cut him off, "Don't you have a ship to get ready for battle?" "Aye Cap'n." he walked away sadly. 

 I looked at my husband with concern and we didn't know that Captain Teague had been standing there the entire time. 

  "What? You've seen it all. And survived. That's the trick isn't it? To survive?" he asked his father. "It's not just about living forever, Jackie. The trick is, living with yourself forever." he advised. "How much have you seen?" I asked my father-in-law. "More than you can comprehend, lass." Captain Teague said. He then realized who I was, "Yer my son's pretty little wife aren't ye." "Aye, it will be two years in a few days," I smiled at Jack. "She's my greatest treasure." he kissed me on top of my head. "That makes me happy to see the two of ye happy." "Thank you," we both said. 

"How's Mum?" Jack asked curiously. Captain Teague presented us with a woman's shrunken head, and I was so shocked that I had no words. "She looks great," Jack tried to compliment. "And she's anniversary present for you." 

This certainly was a strange night. 


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